(Ed: The following is a letter written by Channah Appel to the Cleveland Jewish News in response to their acceptance of a paid ad for a “Messianic J_” movie appearing on p. 10 in their January 18th, 2013 issue. The identity of the publisher was not unknown and even the ad copy uses the terminology “Messianic Jew.” Visiting the website referenced in the ad makes the purpose of this event even clearer – to proselytize Jews. Please read this letter which has been submitted already and write your own to the CJN to protest their decision. Contact Managing Editor Bob Jacob: editorial@cjn.org or 216-342-5207. A scan of this ad appears at the end of this letter)
“I understand that newspapers in general are going through a rough time. Internet is the more popular mode for reading and keeping up with the news. This does not mean that any person with money should be allowed to advertise in the paper. What was the advertising staff thinking when they took the ad for the “Jews for Jesus” group (clothed with the words “Messianic Judaism”- I mean who would you want to guess they think is the Messiah anyway?)
The Movie was advertised as ” a New Jewish Film” (p.10 in the Jan 18th issue) in large headlines.Not only are we told in the 1/2 page advertisement that the main protagonist in the film a messianic Jew, but the director, Michael Robert Wolf is a Messianic Jew as well! He is doing Clevelanders the great service of being at the movie’s premier to proselytize those who came to watch it!!-
They do not mention that he is “rabbi” Wolf of a congregation of Messianic Jews in Cincinnati! I found that out by googling his name, and was not surprised by what else I found. In this piece on you tube you can see how they discuss that it would be “a great tool with which to share your faith, the gospel, to Jews in need.”
We have enough threats of missionaries against us. When I taught at Fairmount Temple, we used to show a fabulous film from the UAHC called “the Target is You” explaining how university students were being targeted by missionaries. Now we have the CJN here to help these enemies with their goals.
I am very disappointed.
Aaron says
JJ says
This is surprising because for ever since there were Messianics every single Jewish Federation and Jewish newspaper, no matter how liberal on their Judaism, still they would not allow anything from these “Hebrew” Christians. It was a line in the sand that no one would cross and now this!
Shimeon Weiner says
It’s an outrage – I wrote the following to the editor –
Dear Mr Jacobs –
I am writing in order to voice my disapproval of your advertisement for the movie ‘The Sound of the Spirit”. I am hoping that the acceptance of the ad was an error in judgment – and not a change in CJN policy.
Could you please reply clarification of the CJN advertising policy?
Thank you –
Shimeon Weiner
Cleveland Heights, Ohio
I want to give him to opportunity to say it was a huge mistake – or to say – hey we’ll take anyone’s money!
I really doubt it was an error- regrettably – the CJN and it’s readership have no boundaries or limits.
Shmuel says
Thank you, Channah Appel for taking the time to write to the CJN and bring this inexcusable incident to light.
Esther Leah Greenberger says
Unfortunately, this is just another way to target Jews. It is just more subtle than torching shuls and destroying cemeteries.
Jacob says
The CJN are hardly bad people. Just that with a lack of understanding of Jewish faith and what we stand for, they like many other Jews begin to adopt the ways of the secular world in which there is no absolute truth and they begin to lose the fight and connection to what a Jew really believes in and then the Jewish compassion and love for other peoples kicks in as all that is left without the truth and conviction of the Torah and having forgotten centuries of Jewish history of persecution.
Aaron says
I am not suprized, but the reckless indifference amazes me
Dan Lkafzchus says
I imagine it probably was an error. Many CJN employees are not Jewish and someone in the advertising department simply may not have realized what a messianic is.
Or, if it was someone Jewish, then I agree with Jacob’s comments above as to why they would allow the ad.
Shimeon Weiner says
I received an email back from the CJN – it was not an error to run the ad. It was in keeping with their policy of enhancing the lives of Jews and of not aligning with any single movement. They are – bad people! To the commentator above – who says it was probably an error – it was not – it was just one more erosion of the moral fiber of the CJN. Here is my reply to the CJN – i urge others to write in – and I urge all to boycott the CJN – and it’s advertisers.
Randy – I appreciate your reply. How low have we sunken? To advertise the showing of a movie aimed at wooing Jews away from Judaism to the warped cult of Messianic Judaism – the very name is revolting.
Where do you draw the line? Apparently there is no line. And of the public service aspect – as well as not aligning with any one program, movement etc – so then you lend credibility to a Christian movement which seeks to entrap Jews – ensnare them into their Christian religion under the guise of Judaism – well, that seems ok with the CJN. Shameful! I was hoping the ad was an error – now I am so outraged by this perversion of the last vestige of remote similarity to Judaism. Today marks the death of the CJN!
Shimeon Weiner
Joe Green says
I struggled with writing this post as I feel for those that just don’t understand what it mean to be Jewish… And I don’t think the CJN intended to do anything wrong, they just don’t know any better.
How is this any different than advertising lobster dinners at purely treif restaurants? Or a Corky and Lenny’s Kosher for Passover ham sandwich? Why does no one write letters about that? If this was truly a mistake, then the letter will help, but to be honest, it fits right in with the rest of the ads. I understand that it is a “sneaky attack by an enemy”, but so is “kosher style pork”.
I think the paper has tried of late to reach out to the Orthodox community, but unfortunately, like most of its subscriber base, the only thing about it that is truly Jewish is the title.
Somehow I got on the Bar/Bat Mitzvah Guide mailing list. I have to make sure to toss it (unread) before the kids can see it as it is less tznius than the local daily papers. The bottom line is that most of the readers are not very religious. So the ads that will sell are going to target them. And we can complain all we want, but the bottom line is that the paper (any newspaper) is in business to make money. And in the process, it serves the community. Not the other way around.
There have been attempts at newspapers targeting the frum community, but they could not sell enough ads to make it worthwhile. Thanks to the advent of the internet, we have LocalJewishNews.com which does not have the overhead of paper media, and is managing to subsist on the meager amount he charges for ads. Forget the CJN (unless you are into Kiruv). Support LJN.
Asher Barkin says
I agree with Shimon Weiner and I feel that it is offensive for a paper that represents the Jewish religion to advertise for something which is diametrically opposed to it by all mainstream standards.
moishele-clevelander says
Like a famous rosh yeshiva said, It’s not Cleveland, Its not News and its definitely NOT JEWISH
I wish they would just take the word Cleveland out of it as it is an embarrasement to our city!
Avrohom Henfield says
Yashar koach to moishele-clevelander for your comment. Why should the frum community be walking on eggshells to come to the CJN’s defense? This is a paper that not only publishes ads for messianic media, but blatantly publishes intermarriage announcements. There’s another saying that involves two shaylos. #1 – can you take the CJN into the bathroom and #2 – can you take it out. I know many frum people who won’t allow themselves to look at it.
wow says
These comments are very offensive. I don’t understand why some people are so harsh in their condemnation of the CJN. There are so many Jews who were not fortunate enough to have a good Jewish education. They do not see anything wrong with intermarriage, non-kosher food, etc. This does not make them bad people!! They are generally good-hearted, well-intentioned people. They often don’t know much about Judaism aside from what they call “tikkun olam.” Why are you judging them with such unrealistic standards? Yes what they did was wrong. It was a huge error in judgment. But it comes from their lack of understanding, plain and simple. Please don’t make it into something it is not.
Dovid Greenberger says
Dear wow,
Most will not remember, but about 7 years ago the CJN published a cartoon depicting kosher food establishments in this city as dirty and unclean. You don’t need a Jewish education to know this would be offensive to some. After the fact, they apologized profusely, as did the cartoonist. They had a meeting with all the kosher vendors to calm our uncertainties about the paper. I didn’t buy it.
Accepting an ad from a Christian based church, which is designed to lead Jews away from Judaism, is NOT tolerable.
I have no problem with the paper wanting to be inclusive of the Jewish community as a whole, which should include the conservative and reform communities as well. I embrace all Jews and do my part to heighten tikun olam through my positive and respectful interactions with others. The CJN however does not have the interests of the orthodox community in mind other than our advertising dollars and that is fine with me. I just wish they would admit it.
Avrohom Henfield says
Dear Wow. Who are the “they” you are referring to?
moishele-clevelander says
Mr. Greenbverger, Well said
More should be expected with something that has the word JEWISH on the front title
Mathis says
The problem with the CJN is made even more complex by the fact that many of the employees are not Jewish and of course they don’t get the problem with the messianics. Likely this Randy from the CJN advertising dept is not Jewish and he’s deciding on community politics. No surprise on the outcome. CJN – bring back Jewish staffers and put the Jewish that has gotten lost from your paper.
Asher Barkin says
I am re-commenting to clarify my earlier comments.
A religious paper paper running a proselytic ad for a foreign religion is a basic COI. It akin to Moscow Times running an recruitment ad for the CIA. Im speaking as a business person.
Aaron says
Re: WOW’s comment:
It wasn’t “a huge error in judgment”, it is THEIR policy ( to not allign themsleves with any single movement.) Therefore, they see messianic Judaism as a Jewish movement.