1. Do you have a child entering kindergarten in 2013-14?
You may be eligible for a $4250 scholarship renewable through 12th grade.
Governor John Kasich has proposed expanding the EdChoice Scholarship Program to low-income students entering kindergarten regardless of their zip codes.
Eventually the program is expected to encompass all grades.
2. Also, please join us on April 10th for a school choice rally and celebration at the Statehouse.
See the attached flyer (2 pages) for more details or call Rabbi A. D. Motzen, Ohio Regional Director, Agudath Israel of America, at 513-530-1364
Ohio Agudah says
It is important to show the legislature that there is strong Jewish support for these programs. Adults who want to attend rally – there may be room on buses leaving from several schools and some people will be carpooling. Contact Agudath Israel for more info. 513-530-1364
Susan Efroymson says
The Mosdos high school sent out a memo urging its parents to call the school for seats on the bus so they can attend. I would urge any parent who can to do so. Having gone with them before, it is a pleasant, comfortable, educational trip and being there and visible really does make a difference. When” they say ” this is about all private schools and not just Catholic ones ( the biggest lobby in OH for Choice) it is very effective to have large Jewish contingencies along with the home schoolers, nondenominational private schools etc…that shows that this is as seen as being fair to a large, diverse group of Ohioans, not just the wealthy or one group. So I would urge all parents who can go to call and join in the fun, and all Clevelanders to call the number above.