Nayati Solutions is looking for an office assistant to help with daily operational tasks. The ideal candidate for our work environment is someone who is comfortable with a range of tasks from accounting and bookkeeping to organization and general office responsibilities. Most importantly, however, we’d like to find someone who can fit into our hardworking but fun and casual environment.
We’re a growing eCommerce and application development company based here in University Heights, OH. Our 5 person office is comprised of people from wide-ranging professional backgrounds and we all tackle various responsibilities within the company to pick up the slack wherever necessary. The basic responsibilities of your position would include answering phones and emails, sending required documentation and reminders to coworkers and clients, completing accounting tasks, and organizing timesheets and work logs.
It’s a fun place to work and we are all invested in growing the company. We’re looking for someone who fits that mold as well and wants to be a part of our continued growth.
Required proficiencies include:
•A friendly and easy-going personality
•A friendly professional demeanor for client contact
•Great organizational skills and attention-to-detail
•Ability to perform self-guided research in a timely and efficient manner
•Background or familiarity with copy editing and grammar along with email etiquette for professional communication
•Microsoft Office programs and general computer and technical knowledge
•Some basic knowledge of accounting and common accounting software
•Familiarity with specific programs that we use such as Quickbooks, Pipedrive, Harvest, JIRA
Please send your resume to
(LocalJewishNews continues to try to do its part to assist community members to find employment by offering free help wanted ads to community businesses and organizations. So if you have a position to fill, let us know. Check out other job offerings in our New Classifieds Section)
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