- If one omitted “VeSein Tal U’Matar Livracha” during the winter months, and remembered while still in middle of the bracha of Bareich Aleinu, before saying the Hashem’s name at the end, he should return to “ VeSein Tal U’Matar Livracha” and continue from there once again.
- If one already said Hashem’s name at the end of the bracha, one does not go back, but rather finishes the bracha and continues until the bracha of Shema Koleinu. In Shema Koleinu, before one says Ki Ata near the end of the bracha one adds the words VeSein Tal U’Matar Livracha (and no further text) and then continues with Ki Ata and concludes the bracha of Shema Koleinu. (Shulchan Aruch (117:5), Kitzur Shulchan Aruch (19:6) and Kaf HaChaim (117:37)). The Aruch HaShulchan (117:6) seems to say that according to some, additional words are added, i.e. “Al Pnei Ha’adama…”, presumably in order to say a complete thought.
- If one finished the bracha of Shema Koleinu but remembered before the bracha of Retzei was started, then one may just say the words VeSein Tal U’Matar Livracha and continue with Retzei. (Shulchan Aruch (117:5)
- If one remembered after one started Retzei but did not recite the second Yihyu L’Ratzon in Elokai Netzor (i.e., for those who say it twice, the second time), then one should go back to the beginning of the bracha of Bareich Aleinu and remember to say V’Sein Tal U’Matar Livracha and then continue from there once again until the end of Shemone Esrei again. (ibid.)
- If one is in doubt as to whether one said VeSein Tal U’Matar Livracha, the following rule applies. If it is in within the first thirty days, we assume that one was still used to the old text of V’Sein Bracha and therefore it was left out than one needs to repeat the entire Shemone Esrei. (See Shulchan Aruch (114:8) and Mishna Berurah seif katan 37). After thirty days we assume that one remembered to say it.
- The reason for this thirty-day rule is not so much due to its being a month, but rather because one has recited ninety Tefillos in that period, and once something is said or done ninety times, it becomes “second nature”. (See Mishna Berurah (114:37))
- Based on the above minimum of ninety Tefillos, some Poskim suggest to say “V’Sein Tal U’Matar Livracha” ninety times in succession. If this is done, the entire segment of the bracha, “…Ve’es Kol Minei Sevuasah L’Tovah, VeSein Tal U’Matar Livracha Al Pnei Ha’adama”. Once this is done, anytime one is in doubt he can assume that it was said with the proper insertion. (See Shulchan Aruch (114:9) and Mishna Berurah seif katan 39-44)
- All the Halachos stated above apply equally to men and women.
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