These days HaNeitz Hachama (sunrise) in Cleveland is very late, 7:52am (as late as 8am in other Midwest cities). This would mean that Alos Hashachar (dawn) which is generally taken to mean 72 minutes before Neitz, is approximately 6:40AM. The Shulchan Aruch (Orach Chaim 4:14) writes that if one washed Netilas Yadayim before Alos Hashachar one may have to wash Netilas Yadayim again after Alos Hashachar because some say that the ruach ra’ah returns at Alos Hashachar. Accordingly, the Rema (ibid) writes that one should wash his hands again after Alos Hashachar without a bracha. Those who arise before Alos Hashachar should wash their hands again.
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