ATTENTION CLEVELANDERS: Thank you for opening up your hearts to my beloved angelic Izzy. May the symphony of your musical tones and voices reach the Sha’arei Rachamim in Shamayim! (Click here for a post about their most recent trip to Cleveland and see below for more ways to help. Enjoy the collage of pictures from the Kumzitz)
Shmuel & Chani
How can I possibly EVER express the huge debt of gratitude that I owe to a plethora of people, many who are total strangers, who have opened up their hearts and wallets, which has enabled Izzy to be able to receive an adequate number of Feldenkrais therapy sessions? Without your love and generosity, there is no imaginable way that Izzy could have possibly maintained his rigorous therapy regimen, which would have most definitely adversely affected him, and resulted in him living a life in a constant state of excruciating arthritic-like pain, in a lonely world which is foreign to the one in which we reside. Due to your continued generosity, although Izzy has occasionally missed several therapy sessions due to illness and acute medical situations and crises that required hospitalization and/or bed rest, he did not miss even a single therapy session due to a lack of available medical funds. As we mark the commencement of the new year, we have renewed our commitment to attempt to fund this most critical of therapies, yet again, in 2015. Any assistance that can be provided will be most definitely be most appreciated. As I frequently connote, there is no donation that is either too large or too small, and they are all equally appreciated.
This campaign is raising money for “Help Izzy Lick Leukodystrophy: 2015”
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