(Previous flier had wrong date. Event is scheduled for January 11th)
Parents: Please Come to this Community Wide Parent Informational Night on Child Safety
with Los Angeles based National Expert Debbie Fox: Director of the Magen Yeladim Safety Kid Program
Sunday January 11, 8-10p.m. at Bellefaire
Here is a sampling of some of the topics that will be covered….
Do your children know what to do if they get lost?
Have they memorized your cell phone numbers/addresses?
Do they know what a safe helper is?
Do they know how to differentiate between an “OK” touch and a Not “OK” touch?
Do your children know when a “secret” must be told?
We raise our children in a world with many contradictions. We tell them “Don’t talk to Strangers” yet how should they seek help if they get lost?
We teach our children the important middah of Derech Eretz. Yet, 90% of the time a perpetrator is an adult that a child knows. Many times this adult may be someone that our child is told to respect.
We do not want to instill fear and mistrust within our children, yet we want them to feel empowered to navigate the world around them in the safest way possible. How do we find a balance?
These are some of the dilemmas we face as parents. I do not need to repeat the tragic news stories we have all heard about both within and outside our own community.
Learn some ways to feel empowered to give your children the necessary skills to navigate the realities of the world we live in today.
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