(From a community member)
Our kids are too precious and important for us not to teach them the proper rules for walking in the street when they can’t use the sidewalks. I have seen way too many kids walking with the cars on their way to school and that is just asking for (Chas V’Shalom) an accident.
When walking in the street we should walk against the traffic so that we can see what is coming and not just depend on our hat, ear muffed, and scarves ears to tell us what is coming behind us. It is also Ohio law. PLEASE go over these rules with your kids and more importantly model it when you are with them whether it is walking them to school or walking on Shabbos. They deserve to be taught.
fed up says
If people would shovel their sidewalks this would not be a problem! When you don’t shovel your sidewalk you are FORCING children and other pedestrians into the road where they are extremely vulnerable, especially in these slippery treacherous conditions!!! You want to be lazy? Fine. But only when it’s on your own cheshbon. Not when it’s creating a dangerous situation for others!!!
shani wasser says
Good point but an even more bigger question I have is why dont we just shovel our sidewalks??? i am new to Cleveand, but where I come from it is unheard of that the sidewalks are not shoveled. And i do believe that it is the law here too!
Not perfect says
Ok, I get what you are saying and in a perfect world that would happen. But the world we live in is far from perfect. Parents need to give, and model for, their kids the proper steps to stay safer until this happens.
devorah says
we pay very high taxes in CH. Can we get Ch to plow our sidewalks? Uh has that service. No reason why we can’t get it!!!!!
CHer says
Like you, I envy those cute little machines that go up and down the UH sidewalks like riding mowers removing the snow and wish we could have them too.
The response is always the same when mentioned. Cost. Actually getting them is a dream
The vast majority of those taxes CHers pay goes to the school to finance their teacher’s contracts, climbing medical insurance costs, sports teams, and new buildings complete with natatorium (swimming pool) and new locker rooms and clock tower – and just wait, they haven’t asked for any for the elementary yet. That’s coming. With operating levies every 3 years, knowing this, CH council is careful when and for how much they ask when they ask. They know people are tight and can’t afford to pay that much.
You will also note that when you leave CH and enter UH, the roads are clearer because they salt more aggressively than we do Notice how salting only intersections and trusting the cars to take the salt the rest of the way can mean one side gets cleared long before the other?. In a perfect world, we could afford to have those mower/blowers too, but frankly diverting funds from our “arts” sponsorship will not be enough to cover the desired results.
The alternative really is for CH to raise taxes. It would have to pass a vote and would likely have to come from a petition by the people, an arduous task just to get on the ballot let alone pass more taxes.
Everyone should shovel. the reality that people get sick, go away, get busy, overwhelmed by all the things they should do, aren’t strong enough, don’t have the budget to pay someone to do it for them. And if I shovel mine but the next door doesn’t then the street is still where people will have to walk.
People should shovel. It IS the law. , But children should still be trained to make the safest decisions in an imperfect world. .
Esti says
This is PIKUACH NEFESH of OUR CHILDREN!!! What is wrong with some people?? This is a country of LAWS. The LAW is SHOVEL YOUR OWN SIDEWALKS so that little kids can get to their bus stop!!! Shovel the sidewalks or move to an apartment!! This is not a hypothetical discussion. Shovel TODAY, so that kids can walk to HAC, Mosdos, their bus stop safety, on the sidewalk, TOMORROW MORNING!!!
BA says
And while you’re cleaning off your sidewalk, shovel a few feet of your neighbors’. Show chesed, especially for those who are unable to safely shovel themselves. Play it forward.
a says
From Public Works:
I will have someone from the Housing Department to that area and see what we can do to help the situation. I understand with the school and synagogues in the area walking is necessary process and must be made as safe as possible.
Thank you for letting me know about the situation.
Please feel free to contact me again if you have any other problems.
Alex Mannarino – Public Works Director
MisterG says
Just a suggestion: It would be great if everyone in the community made an effort to make sure the sidewalks are clear of snow for Purim. Many kids will be walking the neighborhood, delivering shalach manos, and we wouldn’t want to force them to walk in the streets on a day when there is bound to be more traffic then usual. If you have a neighbor that is unable (or unwilling) to shovel their own sidewalk, it would be nice to help out and do theirs as well. If as a community, we all make this effort, it can make shalach manos delivery for our kids easier and safer.