“The most vital component in chinuch today isn’t transmitting information, or even inspiration…It’s giving the chlld a sense of chashivus, a sense of self, a strong identity. Then he or she will be strong enough to withstand nisyonos, and be able to look forward and grow.”
Rav Yosef Elefant, R”M, Yeshivas Mir, Yerushalayim, speaking at the Agudah Convention (as quoted in Mishpacha Magazine, Issue 535)
Atideinu is a new, local, not-for-profit organization, whose goal is exactly as Rav Elefant describes. We are an after-school program for Grades 4-6, designed to give our children a strong sense of self-worth and a love of Yiddishkeit. Atideinu is directed by a highly- experienced licensed clinical social worker, and staffed by community professionals with a proven track-record working with children. Our program includes individual academic assistance, as well as group social activities, all designed to allow the children to be able to become the very best they can be, and to appreciate the beauty and joy of a Torah lifestyle. Although the program ends officially for the children after Grade 6, a mentoring program will continue to give them support and encouragement at least through Grades 7 and 8.
For more information about the organization, and to learn how you can become a part of the Atideinu team, please call Murray or Malka Leah Koval at 216-321-5950, or email
them at atideinuofcleveland@gmail.com .
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