To mark the upcoming first Yahrzeit for
Rabbi Nathan (Nate) Berman, z”l,
on 29 Adar, 5775 (March 20, 2015)
a program is underway to present in his memory a complete set of the
Artscroll Hebrew-English Talmud (73 volumes) to the Hebrew Academy of Cleveland (Taylor Road) for use in the downstairs Bais Medrash.
The gift of this Shas will not only benefit current and future students of the Academy but at the same time will bear testament to Rabbi Berman’s abiding dedication to Torah study and, particularly, the overriding importance he placed over many years to maintaining a daily gemara chavrusaschaft (partnership for Talmud study).
Friends wishing to contribute to the purchase of this Shas in Rabbi Berman’s memory
may do so by either mailing or dropping off a check to the following locations:
Young Israel of Greater Cleveland
2463 S. Green Road, Beachwood, OH 44122
2459 Brentwood Road, Beachwood, OH 44122 (c/o Schabes)
3789 Shannon Road, Cleveland Heights, OH 44118 (c/o Howitt)
Checks should be made out to ‘Hebrew Academy of Cleveland’
Memo to read: ‘Rabbi Nathan Berman Memorial Fund’
A listing of all who contributed to this program will be given to Mrs. Rochel Berman and
family upon presentation of the Shas to the Academy
Tizku L’Mitzvos!
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