Very attractive cell phone lockers for Shuls have now arrived and are available at no charge to your Shul! The lockers are being used in Los Angeles, Toronto, Montreal, Cincinnati, New York and New Jersey. To obtain lockers for your Shul, please call Rabbi Eliezer Ginsburg, Shlita at 718-645-4698.
Eric says
Just turn off your cell phone when you enter a shul. If there is chas v’shalom an attack on a shul when you’re in it – as happened here in Jerusalem – you’ll want to have a cell phone handy.
josh says
ERIC, so you apparently know better than these rabonim!
They seem to feel that it’s a good idea and think that it can be a shemira to protect such things from happening. We need to follow what our rabonim tell us to do. Perhaps to make you feel better, every shul can have an emergency phone with only outgoing emergency calls that way we can keep the kedusha in the shul.