The Kollel has received permission from the University Heights City Council to build a Torah home. Yad Hashem was clearly evident, as four major variances were overcome to reach this milestone. With architectural plans at an advanced stage and preliminary groundwork in motion, the target date to begin construction is the end of June 2015.
The Kollel is embarking on a Building Campaign. We hope you will participate in a most meaningful way. The following list of dedication opportunities are available (see brochure), with which one can eternalize the memory of a dear one or generate the zechus of limud HaTorah for himself and his family.
Wishing you a sincere Kabolas HaTorah on Shavuos, with much Torah nachas from your family.
Click here to download the Dedication Opportunities Card >>
Here is the link for those who want to donate online –
Thank you
Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai
Beachwood – University Heights Community Kollel
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