Thank you to all those in the community who continue to support the magazine gemach. As the magazines are being distributed on a pretty consistent basis, we ask that from now on, only magazines from January 2015 and later be dropped off. Also, having a steady stream of more recent issues is preferable than a large drop off spanning several months of magazines, and of course good condition is always appreciated. Thanks again to all for your generosity and for making this effort.
So how does the magazine gemach work?
We are putting the real meaning of the word ‘recycle’ into action! When you are finished reading your magazines, instead of throwing them away or letting them pile up, now you can drop them off to be distributed to others! You may drop off as often and as many as you like, at the Koyfman home, 2424 Beachwood Blvd. in Beachwood, conveniently located around the corner from all the shuls on Green Rd. Simply put magazines in the marked bin on the front porch at your convenience. Distributions will be made WEEKLY, so please keep them coming!
*please note:the box is for drop offs only. Please frum publications only. No newspapers. Looking for good condition and preferably from April 2014 and newer.
Rochel Fine says
Who is doing the gmach? Where do we drop off?
Tgj says
Read article it says