Gesher has launched a Brand New Website and we are inviting you to check it out! You simply enter basic information like your age and income and the Gesher website will suggest programs that you may qualify for as well as links and downloads of necessary forms.
An initiative of Agudath Israel Midwest Region, Gesher is a cost-efficient answer to local families in need. We seek to collaborate with local organizations to provide Jewish Cleveland families access to benefits and government programs they’re eligible for. By helping eliminate cultural barriers and leveraging strong partnerships, we ultimately help families overcome the challenges of financial hardship.
Navigating the inner workings of government programs poses an unnecessary, added strain to families facing financial hardships. This is where gesher steps in. In conjunction with the JFSA, we work to open doors that are otherwise locked to those in need. As community builders, the Federation and Gesher create a synergy that fuels client referral on an individual level, on behalf of the community.
You can also find us now on both Facebook and Twitter.
If you could please visit the links below to “Like” us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and tell people you think would be interested, we would truly appreciate it.
New Website::
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