Jeff Morris, a local amateur historian has completed much of the work on an interesting project. He has used the features of Google Maps to map the major Cleveland Jewish locations from the past and present over a modern Cleveland map. This is a great way to learn history and to explore today’s neighborhoods and to see what was once there. Many of the pins contain more information and a link to media from CSU’s Special Collections web site. Enjoy the link and share feedback with Jeff,
Also be sure to check out Jeff’s free online e-book which offers a detailed history of the Orthodox Synagogues of Cleveland. In addition check out his Haymarket to the Heights: The Movement of Cleveland’s Orthodox Synagogues From Their Initial Meeting Places to the Heights article too.
Shimeon Weiner says
Telshe Yeshiva?
Telzer says
Right… if it wasnt for the Telshe Yeshiva, Cleveland would be another Dayton or Yuongstown, which back in the 40s and 50s were flourishing Jewish cities with butcher shops from corner to corner….
Wasnt the old Yeshiva at 105th street…and what intersection? Where was the feigenbaum house? that with their donation of their home started it all for BOTH the Yeshiva and then the Hebrew Academy….? wonder if both the buildings are still standing?