Those wishing to make a contribution to assist the family of Yeruchem (Stuart) Friedlander, a”h may send checks payable to the Green Road Synagogue, 2437 South Green Road, Beachwood, OH 44122, attention: Friedlander Chesed or funds can be given directly to Rabbi Binyamin Blau. Friday shiva hours for Friedlander are only 9 AM – 12 PM.
(Ed: Pardon me for making my own personal remarks here (and these are directed towards myself), but it struck me that from the words of Yeruchem’s, a”h children that the most important gift that he gave his children was his love, time, affection, and heart. He was such a good father.
In this day and age, life is so busy, and we do so much for our children as far as clothing, feeding, educating, and more, yet we must not forget how much they just need our time, attention, and love. Perhaps we can all do more in this area, as a gift to our children and for the aliyas neshama of Yeruchem, a”h. )
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