Agudath Israel has written a letter in which they make clear how important it is for the Jewish community to speak out against the Iran Deal and urge their congresspersons to dispprove the current deal and push for a better stronger deal. The letter appears below and includes a link to some important facts and sample form letters. Also Yitz Frank has provided the following local updates for Cleveland community member with links to their updated contact info:
- Please thank Senator Rob Portman for pledging his opposition to the Iran deal!
- Please ask Congresswoman Marcia Fudge and Senator Sherrod Brown to oppose this dangerous deal!
Dear Friends of Agudath Israel of America:
As many experts and elected officials have pointed out, the deal recently concluded with Iran regarding the Iranian nuclear program raises serious concerns for the United States and its allies, especially Israel. Indeed, the full spectrum of Israeli political opinion has come out strongly against the proposed deal, calling it an “existential threat” to the people of Israel.
Under the direction of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, Agudath Israel of America’s staff and lay leadership have reached out to members of Congress over the last few weeks to urge them to vote against the proposed deal. High level face-to-face meetings have been, and are being, arranged with key members of the Senate and the House, both in Washington and in local districts.
With Congress currently in recess, and with its vote on the Iranian nuclear deal set to take place soon after its return to Washington in September, now is the time for you, our constituents, to make your voices heard. Over the next few weeks, while Congress is home for summer break, we urge you to respectfully call upon your elected representatives to disapprove the current deal and push for a stronger deal that will better protect the United States and its allies, especially Israel. If your member of Congress has already publicly spoken out against the deal, please take a moment to thank him or her.
For sample letters and contact information for your elected officials, as well as suggested talking points if you wish to go into greater detail in your written or oral communication with your Senator or Representative, please click here.
Many thanks for your participation in this critical effort. May we hear only besoros tovos and always merit the protective embrace of Avinu She’baShamayim.
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