(Hakhel) HILCHOS SUKKAH! This Sunday, we began the thirty day period prior to Sukkos. Many learn that the obligation to study the Halachos of Sukkos begin thirty (30) days in advance (see Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 429, Ba’air Heitev). Accordingly, we provide two Halachos here to get you started! The following two Halachos and are excerpted from the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch (Chapter 134):
1. It is a Mitzvah on every man to be personally involved in the building of his Sukkah and in the placement of his schach. Even if one is a highly respected person and does not usually engage in this kind of activity–he
should recognize that this is his greatest honor–to be personally involved in a Mitzvah. In fact, concludes the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, one would recite a Shehechiyanu on the building of the Sukkah, but for the fact that we rely on the Shehechinayu made at the conclusion of Kiddush on the first night of Sukkos to encompass the Mitzvah of building the Sukkah as well.
2. On Erev Sukkos, one should not eat bread after Chatzos [the Mishna Berurah writes after the tenth hour of the day] so that he will be able to eat at night with tei’avon. A commentary on the Kitzur points out that this means that one should not eat any other food which would also prevent him from eating l’tei’avon on Sukkos night. What one should do on Erev Sukkos is give a generous amount of Tzedaka.
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