(From A Community Member)
To All Those Members of Our Community Touched By Cancer, which includes everyone.
Last week I was so pleased to see the flyer for the program titled Challenges Our Community Faces In The Cancer Journey, being held on September 20, 2015 at 8:00 at Green Road Synagogue. As a cancer patient myself, I would urge all those of us with cancer, our family members, friends, and community to show our support and attend this special event.
We finally have the beginning, of an organized effort to help us come together for support and education by medical professionals within our community. I want to thank all those involved in making this evening a reality.
Living with Cancer is extremely challenging, our experiences can be life-changing, frightening, depressing, sad and lonely. Maintaining a positive attitude, finding hope, being inspired by our faith in Hashem and of course cutting edge medicine are vital weapons in our battle with cancer.
Cancer patients cannot travel this road alone, our families, friends, and community need help understanding how to be helpful and sensitive to our medical, physical and emotional needs.
I hope you will join me and my family for this night of unity, information and support.
May we be granted a Ksivah V’Chasimah Tovah!
Sarah Taub
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