PRUZBUL! We thank the Business Halacha Institute for providing the following straightforward instructions and Pruzbul forms:
The creditor stands before a three-member Bais Din and declares ““מוסרני לכם הדיינים שכל חוב שיש לי בין בשטר ובין בעל פה שאגבנו כל זמן שארצה”
“I hereby convey to you the Bais Din all of my debts, both oral or that have promissory notes, so that I may collect them whenever I desire.”
The Bais Din completes and signs the Pruzbul form.
The custom among Ashkenazim is to permit any three adult males who understand the issues of Pruzbul and Shemitas Ksafim to constitute a Bais Din. The following link provides a form for Ashkenazim http://tinyurl.com/no89pyn
Sephardim require a formally appointed Bais Din, and, in the absence of such a Bais Din, should use a different Pruzbul form in which the creditor notifies witnesses that he is giving over his debts to the Bais Din Kavua remotely. The following link provides a form for Sefardim http://tinyurl.com/oqzjpan
If one is executing the Pruzbul on behalf of his wife or another person, he should inform the Bais Din that he is an agent of the creditor and was authorized to execute the Pruzbul on their behalf. The following link provides a form for an Ashkenazi agent http://tinyurl.com/nkyotrl
A Pruzbul is only effective for debts that exist at the time the Pruzbul is executed. If a person extends a loan or bills for services after executing the Pruzbul, Shemita will cancel the new debt unless another Pruzbul is written.
For more information, please email ask@businesshalacha.com or call 718-233-3845.
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