On Erev Yom Kippur it’s a customary to give charity generously. Tzedakah is a great source of merit and serves as protection against harsh decrees.
Please donate to Chaverim of Cleveland and help us with our massive Chesed activities! http://chaverimofcleveland.org/
Your generosity is enabling us to continue our untiring efforts to provide every person in need with quick and efficient assistance. “Chaverim” needs and appreciates “Chaverim” such as yourself, who enable us to fulfill our organization’s goals in practice.
Through your kindhearted support, you are partaking in the tremendous Zechusim involved in helping a fellow neighbor in distress, which is the sole aim of Chaverim.
In the merit of your support, may you never find yourself in distressing circumstances, and may you and yours be blessed with health and happiness and a Gmar Chasuma Tova!
Thank you!
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