Everyone should please be aware that November is time to VOTE! Don’t forget what a difference our community’s vote made in the last election (school levy, etc) !! This election has some major issues such as the Cleveland Heights Income Tax, City Council (UH, CH, and Beachwood) and CHUH School Board, marijuana and cigarette tax issues, and many more important things.
(a) Apply for absentee ballot now if you anticipate not making it to the polls. Anyone can request one – there is no reason needed. One month before the election, one can both request a ballot and submit it. Click here for more info and forms >>
(b) Remind bochurim and students who are home now and over 18 to make use of the absentee ballot before they head out of town.
(c) Anyone who is not registered should do so NOW before the primary in the spring. It is too late to register for the November election (30 days before). As long as you will be l be 18 by the election, you can register. If you moved and need to update your registration you can still vote by provisional ballot and just change your voting place for next time. Click here to confirm that you are registered or to register for the first time >>
Susan Efroymson says
Fair enough, but she is not for re-election now. This will be local and issues only. There are two taxes issues to vote on and some significant issues as well.