This Sunday at 2am the clocks revert back to regular time and Daylight Savings Time comes to an end. What are you going to do with this gift of an hour? Something that you said you would do if only you had the time …. a special melave malka with the family? Time to focus on learning? A unique chesed? organize your hovos or ma’aser obligations? Send a thank you letter? Learn the deeper meaning of a part of davening that you say every day? Daven for a choleh or someone who needs a shidduch? Make an effort to make a shidduch? Thank your spouse? Call your parents? Exercise? Lock your cell phone in your desk and be yourself? Make a plan to appreciate and utilize this extra time.
Shmuel says
I’ll save it for the Spring when we move the clocks forward. 🙂
Zelda Esther Orelowitz says
Thank you to whomever wrote this comment. It gave me pause to think and I appreciate that. Time is a precious commodity.