(JP News Desk)(Ed: I am not familiar with this website and therefore cannot share this here with absolute certainty but since this a potential big story we can let the readers make their own evaluations.)
New York has seen a plethora of openings of mega-supermarkets that cater to the Kosher market. Now, a group of investors from Brooklyn has decided to bring the concept to Cleveland.
NGKS Marketing has paid $700,000 for a property upon which they will be building a 20,000 square foot supermarket.
Above that, they will be building a second floor shopping atrium to provide a one-stop shopping experience in a variation of the traditional strip-mall.
yy says
Finally it wont take me 4 hours to do my weekly shabbos shopping running from one store to the next
hmmm says
I just want to know what will happen to boris, tibors, and ungers.
Will the prices be good enough to make the trip? We only go to costco because the prices are so good…
I still would rather got to 3 different stores, and support CLEVLANDERS!!!!
Seasons says
I’ve seen ads saying that seasons is planning on opening a Cleveland location. Is this a different project? There is no way the city can support 2 big full fledged kosher supermarkets…..
Joe says
Yes. The Seasons store plan seems pretty solid and if you ask me is the one that people will make use of more. It will be right by Oakwood right between the 2 neighborhoods. Further, it will be one more store in an already successful national corporate chain. How will this Mayfield store compete pricewise if they are just one store, albeit big? How will they get the independent store owners to buy in and set up there? The local bookstores, restaurants, etc seem already well situated. I predict that this development will not work unless there is a hidden partner who has something up his sleeve and has access to a real kosher food distribution network. Cleveland cannot support 2 stores – unless you want to lose money for 5 or more years.
Leah says
Too bad no one thought to use the old topps location by macys
afeinstein says
That University Square center has many issues with how it was built and has changed owners and ongoing safety issues with parking lot. It may well be that no one would want to ever pump money into it despite it’s excellent location in the community.
jj says
just to clear things up Seasons kosher supermarket will be opening next door to walmart in oakwood commons located on warrensville center road in south euclid and a 2nd unamed kosher supermarket will be opening next door to the Tesla car dealership on the corner of mayfield and richmond roads in addition they plan on building a small strip mall above their store in the lot next door to tesla
m says
I drive home on Mayfield and a supermarket next to Tesla would be so convenient! And I avoid that Walmart shopping center like the plague, would really urge Seasons to consider looking at other location options. There are a lot of unsavory people there.
Philip Setnik says
It’s my opinion that, if both stores are designed to cater only to the frum community, one or both will fail. If the stores are clean, well stocked, with good prices, and good marketing, then they will appeal not only to the frum community, not only to the Jewish community as a whole, but to the entire area.
Anyone who has been to the big kosher supermarket in Toronto (name escapes me) or to Jewel Osco in Chicago can see that it’s not just Jews shopping there.
The store on Mayfield in particular is positioned to support the Jewish and non-Jewish residents near by.
I’m looking forward to this!
D. Shaw says
There are many people outside the frum community who keep kosher and would like to see a real kosher supermarket.
Eric Mack says
In Toronto, Maybe you mean Sobey’s?
Jack says
I do not think anyone outside the frum community will frequent these stores. They won;t have the selection, freshness or prices of the big chain stores so they won;t come here for Gefen products as they can get plenty of kosher products in any other store. maybe they will pop in for some stuff before Pesach but not regularly. I do not see any way that Cleveland can support 2 full fledged kosher supermarkets. And Jewel-Osco in Chicago is a regular full fledged chain supermarket that has a huge kosher section, NOT a special kosher supermarket. I wish them all the best, but there is no way they can both survive…..
Philip Setnik says
Eric Mack, thank you, yes, that’s the one.
Jack, you’re right about Jewel Osco, but it’s practically the size of a whole (small) grocery store. And the amount and variety of prepared foods are staggering.
As Sobey’s demonstrates, also, it’s not just Gefen products – there is a huge selection and again, a vast range of prepared and fresh foods.
I see these stores as potentially being like kosher Whole Foods Markets – a bit upscale, appealing to upper-middle-class Jews and non-Jews alike. They could do that, and still be price-competitive with the current stores.
It’s fun to speculate, of course, but until we see ground being broken, that’s all it is.
Still, I’m optimistic.
HC says
My understanding is that the university square location where tops was isn’t even for rent. Tops took out a super long lease on the spot and even though the store isn’t there anymore the company is still paying the lease. So university square doesn’t have any reason to find new occupants.
former clevelander says
Just one point Clevelanders may not be used to…it’s possible that these new stores will offer delivery (free or otherwise) that would take the sting out of location for everyday groceries. If they won’t, someone should get on the bandwagon.