Requires Kosher certification
Domestic dates do not require kosher certification. It is advisable to split open three dates to check for worms.
Note: If dates are from Israel they require reliable certification to ensure that terumos and maasros have been separated.
Shredded Cabbage:
Acceptable with a reliable Kosher certification
Raw Cabbage:
Separate the leaves and soak in soap solution for two minutes and agitate. Then wash both sides of leaf under stream of water. Be sure to open the folds and crevices as you wash.
If using the green shoots slit open and wash under stream of water. If using the bottom portion split along the length and wash thoroughly.
Soak in soap solution for two minutes and agitate. Wash each leaf under stream of water.
Black Eyed Peas:
Does not require checking unless there is reason to suspect infestation.
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