I come to you with a pained heart. My husband was diagnosed with something HASHEH YERACHEM. I decided that the most effective chemo therapy he will receive, are your tefilos, limud hatorah, and tzedakah.
I was a young girl in Bais Yaakov. My teachers taught me a gemorah that says that at midnight (I think) a malach comes out to destroy the world. When he sees someone in the world learning Torah, he loses his shlita to destroy the world, and returns to his place. Yankel has always learned Torah at all hours. The world says (I was told by his talmidim) he is the greatest masmid in the world. He gets up early Shabbos morning while others sleep. It used to be 4 A.M., now it’s a little later. He has packed away hours of learning for the last many years. At 7:10 A.M., he’s out already for the Yeshiva. His only passion is to do avodas Hashem. He is an Ish Tahor whose only love is Torah and avodas Hashem. No games are played. With such a track record, Klal Yisroel needs him and you will help him have a refuah shelaima.
There is a story going around that he wore bigdei Shabbos when he went to get his results from the biopsy. That is not true, because his SWEET DAUGHTER went to get his reports. In the musty basement of University Hospital. However, the truth is that Yankel wore bigdei Shabbos to go to the doctor, initially, so as to be mekadaish shamayim; “This is what a ben-torah looks like.” so he is worth saving!
Let’s go to war with the machala and daven, daven, and daven. Call upon Hashem. The effective chemo therapy will be your tefillos and husband’s Torah learning, be it Chumash, Neviim, Tehillim, etc. There are many avenues to reach Hashem. Please make a serious commitment to learn daily, l’zchus refuah shlaima for Yisroel Yaakov ben Baila.
Further, Dr. Dickman told me that it is Adar, when miracles happen, and when we should give tzedakah. My pet tzedakah is Mabas Fund, which supports talmidei chachomim with their yom tov needs. I can tell you that I’ve seen empty refrigerators and it hurts my heart. So, let’s gladden those people’s Yom Tov, thereby producing a MEGA REFUAH SHELAIMA for Yisroel Yakov ben Baila. Just remember, “tzedakah tatzil mimoves.”
I love you all. Thank you for your sincere kindness. The heavens are smiling at you. Ruth Cohen
P.S. To donate tzedakah for a refuah shelaimai for my husband, please make donations out to MABAS FUNd, and mail to Ruth Cohen 3552 Severn Road or donate to any tzedakah that you please
לזכות ר’ ישראל יעקב בן ביילא
Thank you very much.
Ruth Cohe
Shoshana Kaufman says
I was so moved by your letter that I donated to Matan B’Sayser in your husband’s merit.
Dodi Schwab says
Refuah Shelaimah!
Would anyone be able to point me to Mabas Fund online for donations? I didn’t see a specific website on Google.
Thank you
Circle says
His tremendous amailus batorah should protect him.
Surtie Barkin says
Dear Ruthie tichye, I am thinking of you and Reb Yankel ad meah v’esrim shana, and davening for him for a refua shelaima. Love, SurtieS
Esther L Greenberger says
Refuah S’leimoh to Yisroel Yaakov ben Baila. May he be zocheh to arichas yomim v’shonim tovim!