The Almond Breeze Almond Milk was erroneously listed in the regular product list in the Cleveland Kosher guide. It contains kitniyos. Corrected information for milk substitutes is the following.
The following milk substitutes are kitniyos and are permitted for the sick and infirm [shelf stable non-refrigerated variety only]:
- Almond Breeze Original, Sweetened or Unsweetened
- Rice Dream Classic Original
- Soy Dream Original Enriched
Devorah Shoshana says
Please specify what is found in Almond milk that is kitniyos. All the ingredients listed on the container are not kitniyos.Almonds and sunflower and not kitniyot. Maybe you know of some ingredient that is not listed that is kitniyos.
Also, your notice should clearly specify that kitniyos are not to be consumed on Pesach by Ashkenazim, who accepted this issur, but it is not prohibited for the Sephardim. And as you know, there are many Sephardim living in Cleveland. However, with the exception of the Moroccans who don’t eat dry kitniyos, such as rice, all other Sephardim do. And even the Moroccans eat green kitniyos, such as green peas.