I would like to bring to your attention something that I feel is very important.
I think that the number of people walking past the police and Jewish Federation security cars without acknowledging them with a wave or a thank you outnumbers the ones that are.
By the last Daf Yomi siyum, the workers and people in charge were totally amazed by how many people greeted them and thanked them. This made a tremendous kiddush Hashem.
It is very insulting for the police and security men to be ignored as if they are not there. All that is needed is a wave and a thank you. This applies all year round but especially now with the Yomim Tovim coming, where there will be many more people going to shul over many days.
The more men, women and children passing by and thanking creates a kiddush Hashem. Many people passing without a thank you creates chas v’sholom the opposite..
This simple act will definitely affect how they feel about the Jewish community.
Kesiva v’chasima tova,
A Local Resident
Moshe says
It would have been nicer to write .
It would be a Kiddush Hashem if people would acknowledge the security people
From my my experience I’ve seen many people give them recognition .
Why be negative? And put it as a Chilull Hashem?