Dear parent,
Yes….YOU, who purchased your child’s scooter/ hoverboard/ bike..or got one from someone else who no longer needed it….
I witnessed a near catastrophic accident this morning and it could have been YOUR child.
With KH the community growing exponentially over the last few years, there are children who take to their scooters and hoverboards at VERY high speeds with and without helmets ( which is another letter for another time) I’m talking here about the lack of parental control and seemingly neglect when it comes to safety. Do you not understand that cars can not stop quick enough when your child wizzes by thinking they can make a light, cross the street in time or shoot out between park cars?? No.. They cannot.The reaction time of a driver can be the difference between life or death chas v sholom!!!
Children as the young five are ripping down streets and main streets, thinking that cars will see them… without looking both ways and have never been taught safety rules!! I see this at night as well… When your older sons are wearing all black…no driver can see them!! Please realize this!!
WHY has nothing been said?? Why are not the community rabbonim coming together to address this dangerous situation? Or speaking about it with their kehillos.
Time & time again, It is always just ” seconds” before a car slams on the brakes LITERALLY missing hitting someone…or kids flying down the street trying to cross looking straight ahead without turning to look for cars…
It is in BOTH areas CH/UH….
What is it going to take?
When are parents going to to realize how utterly dangerous these are… But mainly, teach their children safety rules…. AND prohibit the use of them with kids too small to be on them in the first place!
And I’m not even talking yet about teenagers who have a slurpee or an ice cream in one hand, earbuds … flying down the street without looking both ways. I see this on a daily basis!
PLEASE let us take care of this before there is a need to… chas v sholom!!!
With Summer fast approaching this is going to become more of a concern.
PLEASE speak and teach your teens about basic safety rules…
It could be a conversation between life or death C’V.
I speak for a large amount of people who have voiced this concern.
Wishing everyone a safe & healthy ” Segway” into summer.
Moshe says
Shomer Pesoyim Hashem
Your correct.
In every generation we have new kids problems to worry about
Thanx for bringing this up
But the problem is the kids and parents won’t listen because their either on their cell phones or listening to their airbuds while eating a sandwich and holding the steering wheel
Michael Post says
I saw a kid leaving the UH Kollel on one of these leaving the parking lot going on the sidewalk up Green and slammed into the side of a car at the intersection that was making a right turn. Had the car been ten feet behind where it was….
Teri Lautman says
1000% Agree! And wear reflective belts or patches on your helmets/scooters/hoverboards.
BatSheva says
Kudos to letter writer about scooters/hover boards. Parents – please consider the author’s words. Please also advise your children about the right of way on sidewalks. Please also advise your children that their vehicle’s light at nighttime is blinding to oncoming drivers and walkers. Finally, parents, kol a kavod that we have children eager to be on time for learning and for getting home, but soon our community will see waists expanding and obesity problems ensue. It is beautiful to see all the walkers on Shabbos. Let’s look beautiful during the week also.
ellen l jacoby says
Thank you for writing this letter. It also happens in Beachwood where children as young as four are riding scooters or hoverboards, with the parents hundreds of feet behind them or not there at all. Cars pulling out of driveways cannot see the small children in their rear view mirror. I also have seen near catastrophies with scooters and hoverboards. Parents have to be more responsible for the safety of their children.
C.A.R says
Why when having a complaint do we start blaming the community rabbonim. How many of them have you spoken to them and they said it’s not a problem. If they would have gotten up and spoken about it do you think people would have listened right away or just taken credence of their words. Not everything in life has a simple answer. That’s why they’re called problems. I don’t disagree with your message I do disagree who you blame.
Anonmymous says
I have noticed a new phenomenon. Young kids holding infants while riding on a segwey or hoverboard. One slip on cement sidewalk-I don’t want to even think about it.