Please say Tehillim for MIRIAM BAT MAITA ROCHEL.
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
(View the entire Cleveland Community Tehillim List.)
News, Info & Resources for the Cleveland Orthodox Jewish Community
Please say Tehillim for MIRIAM BAT MAITA ROCHEL.
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
(View the entire Cleveland Community Tehillim List.)
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
(View the entire Cleveland Community Tehillim List.)
Mrs. Sara Brejt is sitting Shiva for her brother through Friday, April 16th.
The best way to reach her is via email at or text 216 338-7537.
המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבילי ציון וירושלים
Please say Tehillim for MOSHE LEIB BEN GITTEL.
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
(View the entire Cleveland Community Tehillim List.)
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
(View the entire Cleveland Community Tehillim List.)
Please say Tehillim for GEDALYA BEN ITA.
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
(View the entire Cleveland Community Tehillim List.)
Condolences to Rebbetzin Deena Davidovich on the petira of her father, Rabbi Marc Messing A”H, Harav Mordechai Hershel ben Shmuel David.
Rebbetzin Davidovich and her mother Mrs Eve Messing will be sitting Shiva on Friday from 9am to 2pm at 14385 Washington Blvd.
המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבילי ציון וירושלים
Cleveland Clinic Main Campus
The kosher hospitality room is in the M building on the first floor, Room M-1006. If you have difficulty finding it, please ask one of the Cleveland Clinic Red Coat personnel.
This room has been cleaned and fully stocked for Pesach through the generous support of Elie’s Plumbing.
UH Cleveland Medical Center
The kosher hospitality room is in the Lakeside Building on the first floor, opposite the Chapel, Room 1118. There is a cabinet in the emergency waiting room and on the Labor & Delivery floor.
This room has been cleaned and fully stocked for Pesach through the generous support of Goldwater Bank.
Hillcrest Hospital
The kosher hospitality room is on the main floor of the Seidman Tower, opposite the Chapel (follow signs for the Chapel). There is a cabinet on the Labor & Delivery floor.
This room has been cleaned and fully stocked for Pesach through the generous support of BP Print Group.
Ahuja Medical Center
The kosher hospitality room is in the main lobby, a few steps past the front door, opposite the gift shop.
This room has been cleaned and fully stocked for Pesach through the generous support of Rubin Guttman & Associates L.P.A.
MetroHealth Hospital Cleveland Heights
The kosher hospitality room is on the second floor, Room 2003.
This room has been cleaned and fully stocked for Pesach through the generous support of The Kabb Law Firm.
Other Hospitals
In addition, there are cabinets for Pesach in the following 3 hospitals:
Lakewest, MetroHealth downtown & Richmond General.
One who is discharged from a hospital or in need of transportation for a non urgent medical matter on Shabbos or Yom Tov should ask a non-Jew to call Bikur Cholim at 216 320-1771 and an operator will arrange a ride. This service is not available for one experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or one who tested positive for COVID-19. The operator does not provide medical advice.
The Almond Breeze Almond Milk was erroneously listed in the regular product list in the Cleveland Kosher guide. It contains kitniyos. Corrected information for milk substitutes is the following.
The following milk substitutes are kitniyos and are permitted for the sick and infirm [shelf stable non-refrigerated variety only]:
Tuesday March 23rd and Wednesday March 24th 3pm-10pm open house!
The entire community is welcome to come and help themselves to as many magazines as they can carry…there will be a variety of Mishpacha, Family First, Ami, Ami Living, Binah, Inyan, Hamodia, and a large assortment of children’s magazines. Due to COVID-19, the magazines have not been able to be distributed as normal, so please come and take to enhance your oneg Shabbos and Yom Tov!!
Tuesday March 23rd and Wednesday March 24th 3pm-10pm open house!
Koyfman porch – 2424 Beachwood Blvd
Please say Tehillim for YOSEF BEN CHAYA MALKA.
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
(View the entire Cleveland Community Tehillim List.)
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
(View the entire Cleveland Community Tehillim List.)
The Almond Breeze Almond Milk was erroneously listed in the regular product list in the Cleveland Kosher guide. It contains kitniyos. Corrected information for milk substitutes is the following.
The following milk substitutes are kitniyos and are permitted for the sick and infirm [shelf stable non-refrigerated variety only]:
Tuesday March 23rd and Wednesday March 24th 3pm-10pm open house!
The entire community is welcome to come and help themselves to as many magazines as they can carry…there will be a variety of Mishpacha, Family First, Ami, Ami Living, Binah, Inyan, Hamodia, and a large assortment of children’s magazines. Due to COVID-19, the magazines have not been able to be distributed as normal, so please come and take to enhance your oneg Shabbos and Yom Tov!!
Tuesday March 23rd and Wednesday March 24th 3pm-10pm open house!
Koyfman porch – 2424 Beachwood Blvd
We are sorry to announce the passing of Dr. Philip Howard Wilks, פינחס הענדל בן חיים אליעזר ז”ל. May his neshama have an aliyah in Gan Eden. Dearest Father of Dovid Zev. Loving Grandfather of Naomi, Yisroel Meir, Faige, Chaya, Baruch Yitzchok and Devorah Leah.
Levayah is on Wednesday in Durham, NC.
Dovid Zev will be available to take phone calls from Friday morning at (216) 932-0900 or via WhatsApp at (216) 315-0667 through Monday night.
There will be no minyan at our house.
המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבילי ציון וירושלים
Please say Tehillim for ELIYAHU SHIMON BEN ROCHEL.
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
(View the entire Cleveland Community Tehillim List.)
Remember to set your clocks ahead one hour before you go to sleep.
Practically, this means that zmanim will be (nearly) one hour later on Sunday.
Bikur Cholim & University Hospitals will be hosting a drive-through COVID-19 testing for all ages (including infants).
It will be held at UH Customer Center
20800 Harvard Road., Highland Hills OH 44122
Sunday March 14th, 2020 from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm.
All those who test positive will be notified via phone by Monday evening. Results will also be available on UH Follow My Health.
The testing is open to the public and there are no eligibility requirements.
You must pre-register to get tested. Registration closes, tomorrow Friday 3/12/20 at 1:00 pm.
To register please send an email to
Include the first and last names of all those who will be tested in your car.
You will receive an email from Bikur Cholim with your time slot and a list of documents to bring.
There are no walk ins allowed. Registration is via email only. There are limited slots available.
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
(View the entire Cleveland Community Tehillim List.)
We regret to inform you of the passing of Shlomo Ben Michal, father of Amy Weiser and her brother David Malin.
Amy Weiser will be returning to Cleveland and sitting shiva Motzei Shabbos and Sunday at 3568 Bendemeer Road, Cleveland Heights.
Motzei Shabbos: 8-10
Sunday: 10-1, 2-5, 7-10
המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבילי ציון וירושלים
Please say Tehillim for SARA ALIZA BAS AVIVA LEAH.
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
(View the entire Cleveland Community Tehillim List.)
May she be a source of nachas to her family and Klal Yisroel.
Please say Tehillim for YISROEL BEN GOLDA.
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
(View the entire Cleveland Community Tehillim List.)