Message to the Community from 30+ Doctors
As physicians within the community, we feel it our duty to share our perspective and some thoughts relating to the COVID-19 outbreak. Ohio has gradually been reopening and allowing more interaction and business over the past weeks. The number of cases has thankfully been low, and we hope that with the right precautions and adherence to local guidance it will remain that way.
Despite this return of activity, the pandemic is far from over. It is still a time of high risk and uncertainty. The virus is still present amongst us and limited exposure can create the possibility of an outbreak. We are still in a vulnerable state as most people do not have any protection in the form of antibodies or prior exposure to Coronavirus. While we are thankful that there were limited cases of Coronavirus within our community, the lack of immunity creates a potential for a larger scale outbreak, both in our community and in Ohio. In relation to outdoor gatherings, it is important to keep in mind that masks only offer protection if everyone is wearing one properly, covering both one’s nose and mouth. However, wearing a mask does not alone provide adequate protection and a minimum 6-foot distance must be maintained at all times.
It is of critical importance to note that medical research has shown that the greatest risk of transmission occurs when groups of people gather indoors for an extended period of time. Additionally, the prevalence of asymptomatic cases can create situations where the spread can happen rapidly and without warning. Even wearing a mask and standing 6 feet apart while indoors for an extended period poses a significant risk to all the individuals present and thus to the community at large. With the gradual opening up in our communities, these factors must be taken into consideration to prevent an outbreak.
As medical professionals we feel it is very important for every individual to consider these facts, ensure appropriate precautions are taken, and make an educated decision regarding the health and safety of our community as we go into the holiday and summer period. In addition, we strongly advise anyone over the age of 65 and anyone with a chronic medical condition to consult with their physician regarding any special precautions they should be taking.
Message to the Community from 30+ Doctors
As physicians within the community, we feel it our duty to share our perspective and some thoughts relating to the COVID-19 outbreak. Ohio has gradually been reopening and allowing more interaction and business over the past weeks. The number of cases has thankfully been low, and we hope that with the right precautions and adherence to local guidance it will remain that way.
Despite this return of activity, the pandemic is far from over. It is still a time of high risk and uncertainty. The virus is still present amongst us and limited exposure can create the possibility of an outbreak. We are still in a vulnerable state as most people do not have any protection in the form of antibodies or prior exposure to Coronavirus. While we are thankful that there were limited cases of Coronavirus within our community, the lack of immunity creates a potential for a larger scale outbreak, both in our community and in Ohio. In relation to outdoor gatherings, it is important to keep in mind that masks only offer protection if everyone is wearing one properly, covering both one’s nose and mouth. However, wearing a mask does not alone provide adequate protection and a minimum 6-foot distance must be maintained at all times.
It is of critical importance to note that medical research has shown that the greatest risk of transmission occurs when groups of people gather indoors for an extended period of time. Additionally, the prevalence of asymptomatic cases can create situations where the spread can happen rapidly and without warning. Even wearing a mask and standing 6 feet apart while indoors for an extended period poses a significant risk to all the individuals present and thus to the community at large. With the gradual opening up in our communities, these factors must be taken into consideration to prevent an outbreak.
As medical professionals we feel it is very important for every individual to consider these facts, ensure appropriate precautions are taken, and make an educated decision regarding the health and safety of our community as we go into the holiday and summer period. In addition, we strongly advise anyone over the age of 65 and anyone with a chronic medical condition to consult with their physician regarding any special precautions they should be taking.
Bikur Cholim of Cleveland’s Front Steps Project
Bikur Cholim of Cleveland’s Front Steps Project is a five-minute “Front Steps Portrait” of Cleveland residents. It aims to bring us together (virtually and with social distancing) at a time when we are isolated. In exchange for a professional photo shoot, we kindly ask you to make a donation (the amount of your choice) to Bikur Cholim’s COVID 19 Fund.
The deadline for sign-up is Thursday, May 21.
We thank the following photographers/studios who have generously volunteered their talents: Ellie B Photography, Shmuel Mann Photography, New Image Photography, Grafixer Studios, and Pollack Studio.
Click here to sign up, or email to request a sign up sheet by email.
Bikur Cholim of Cleveland’s Front Steps Project
Bikur Cholim of Cleveland’s Front Steps Project is a five-minute “Front Steps Portrait” of Cleveland residents. It aims to bring us together (virtually and with social distancing) at a time when we are isolated. In exchange for a professional photo shoot, we kindly ask you to make a donation (the amount of your choice) to Bikur Cholim’s COVID 19 Fund.
The deadline for sign-up is Thursday, May 21.
We thank the following photographers/studios who have generously volunteered their talents: Ellie B Photography, Shmuel Mann Photography, New Image Photography, Grafixer Studios, and Pollack Studio.
Click here to sign up, or email to request a sign up sheet by email.
Exciting Contest for Local Teen Writers from Local Jewish Libraries!
Sign a Halachic Medical Directive
Letter from Vaad HaRabbonim
The past few months have been challenging on many levels. The gaping void left by our inability to daven with a minyan, attend shiurim in person, send our children to school, and interact socially with our family and friends, has confounded an already precarious health and economic situation. We admire the patience, perseverance, and compliance of our community members, and we shoulder the responsibility to guide them with the utmost love and reverence.
The combination of divine providence, and the community’s adherence to safety protocols, has spared us the gloomy projections that many predicted. Thankfully, the State of Ohio was proactive and aggressive at the front end of this pandemic, as was the guidance of the Va’ad HaRabbonim, closing shuls and restricting travel, amid other community issues. Throughout this time we have been in touch with medical professionals, and have remained alert to the community’s needs.
It is not yet safe to return to normal, and continued adherence to health guidelines remains crucial, but the State of Ohio is a few weeks into its gradual reopening. Our community has also begun phasing back into some of our essential practices. We have cautiously begun “Yard Minyanim” for Mincha/Maariv, and added Shacharis, all with carefully crafted guidelines in place (SD, masks, outdoors, limited capacity, etc.).
We have until now administered our guidance on a communal level, but at this time we have collectively deemed it appropriate, to move toward restoring the autonomy of our shuls. We are blessed with many vibrant and responsible Kehillos within the greater Cleveland community, and beginning Shavuos (5/29/20), each Kehilla will be responsible for its own administration. Shuls will decide for themselves if to open, and the best way to open. A myriad of factors, including diverse constituencies and venue size, create different situations and call for different courses of
action. It is in the interest of spirituality and safety that shuls tailor guidelines to meet their own complex needs. We ask that you refer to your shul leadership for specific details.
The Va’ad HaRabbonim will maintain general oversight to ensure that fundamental safety precautions are established in the shuls that decide to open. This will include safe social distancing, masks, hand washing, limited capacity, staggered minyanim, no children, and more. Shuls may decide to daven indoors, if deemed safe by leadership and keeping to the agreed upon protocols. Please do not expect your shul to be ‘back to normal’; it will be far from that. Also, please be in touch with your Rov and/or doctor if you are immuno-compromised, or have any other
concerns about attending.
The unity and loyalty of our community has been key to our health, and an inspiration to other cities across the country. As we restore shul autonomy, we ask that all continue to be united in consideration of others, and nonjudgmental as to how specific Kehillos choose to proceed.
As of the writing of this letter, the Governor has lifted his restriction on interstate travel, but is still discouraging it. We understand how difficult it has been for families not to visit with each other, especially for Yom Tov, and refer you to the Governor’s guidance. Anyone who does choose to travel to Cleveland for Shavuos will not be allowed to enter into any shul or public minyan.
We take this opportunity to remind the men, women and children of our community, that although restrictions on shuls, businesses, and other entities are slowly relaxing, it remains critical to refrain from non-essential movement or outings, and to follow social distancing recommendations at all times and in all places (e.g. wearing masks in public, six feet distance, etc.). This includes, but is not limited to, families congregating outdoors, essential outings to purchase food or household items, and employees in their workplaces.
We will continue to monitor the safety and feasibility of this course, and address other pertinent communal matters.
Let us pray that Hashem send good health to all, and that He continue to protect our community, May we merit Yeshuos and Refuos soon,
Va’ad HaRabbonim of Greater Cleveland
Bikur Cholim of Cleveland’s Front Steps Project
Bikur Cholim of Cleveland’s Front Steps Project is a five-minute “Front Steps Portrait” of Cleveland residents. It aims to bring us together (virtually and with social distancing) at a time when we are isolated. In exchange for a professional photo shoot, we kindly ask you to make a donation (the amount of your choice) to Bikur Cholim’s COVID 19 Fund.
The deadline for sign-up is Thursday, May 21.
We thank the following photographers/studios who have generously volunteered their talents: Ellie B Photography, Shmuel Mann Photography, New Image Photography, Grafixer Studios, and Pollack Studio.
Click here to sign up, or email to request a sign up sheet by email.
Bikur Cholim of Cleveland’s Front Steps Project
Bikur Cholim of Cleveland’s Front Steps Project is a five-minute “Front Steps Portrait” of Cleveland residents. It aims to bring us together (virtually and with social distancing) at a time when we are isolated. In exchange for a professional photo shoot, we kindly ask you to make a donation (the amount of your choice) to Bikur Cholim’s COVID 19 Fund.
The deadline for sign-up is Thursday, May 21.
We thank the following photographers/studios who have generously volunteered their talents: Ellie B Photography, Shmuel Mann Photography, New Image Photography, Grafixer Studios, and Pollack Studio.
Click here to sign up, or email to request a sign up sheet by email.
Updated Cleveland Tehillim List Now Available
An updated Tehillim List of the Cleveland Tehillim Chevra is now available.
Click for printable PDF version. You can also visit the Cleveland Tehillim List page to see changes between publications of the list.
The list is published as a partnership between Local Jewish News and Mrs. Chanie Malcmacher in the hope that it will cause even more community members to be mispalel on behalf of those in need. It will continue its practice of approximately six bi-monthly print editions.
In order to maintain seder, the following long-standing guidelines remain in place for the inclusion of a name:
- The choleh must be a Clevelander or the direct relative of a Clevelander
- The exactly correct Hebrew name and its correct spelling must be provided
- Permission of the family must have been obtained
- The choleh must be reconfirmed for each edition of the list
Currently, the community has the merit of completing the entire Tehillim nearly two times daily. To participate in a daily completion of the Tehillim, please email Mrs. Malcmacher at
Bikur Cholim of Cleveland’s Front Steps Project
Bikur Cholim of Cleveland’s Front Steps Project is a five-minute “Front Steps Portrait” of Cleveland residents. It aims to bring us together (virtually and with social distancing) at a time when we are isolated. In exchange for a professional photo shoot, we kindly ask you to make a donation (the amount of your choice) to Bikur Cholim’s COVID 19 Fund.
The deadline for sign-up is Thursday, May 21.
We thank the following photographers/studios who have generously volunteered their talents: Ellie B Photography, Shmuel Mann Photography, New Image Photography, Grafixer Studios, and Pollack Studio.
Click here to sign up, or email to request a sign up sheet by email.
Exciting Contest for Local Teen Writers from Local Jewish Libraries!
A New Initiative – Yom Tefillah – This Sunday with the Hebrew Academy of Cleveland at 8 p.m.
It’s been a long three months. We still feel the pain of our friends who lost family, and others who are still praying for their loved ones to return home.
For us at Bikur Cholim, these past few months have been quite a traumatic experience. We have seen families suffering through these trying times.
When will this end?
As believers, we know that just as swiftly as Hashem brought the dreaded COVID-19, He can remove it in a flash! We must continue to do our part to beseech Hashem that He end this pandemic today!
We invite all Cleveland Jewish institutions to join with us in a new Tefilla initiative. We want to partner with Jewish organizations across our city to host community-wide Yom Tefillos. Through this display of faith and unity, we are confident that Hashem, in His tremendous mercy, will bring us a salvation.
This Sunday, we will host the first community-wide Yom Tefillah, together with the children of the Hebrew Academy of Cleveland. We will hear words of inspiration from Rabbi Ephraim Shapiro. Please join us this Sunday May 17, from 8:00 p.m. to 8:20 pm by Zoom or telephone.
The Zoom link to join is
Meeting ID: 844 0498 8171
Password: 443106
Or Call +1 312 626 6799 US
Meeting ID: 844 0498 8171
Please see below for the entire program. If you would like your organization to join this initiative please email Rabbi Joseph directly.
Bikur Cholim of Cleveland
Camp Chabad/Special Day Camp Programs participates in the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP).
Meals will be provided to all eligible children free of charge. Children must meet the income guidelines for reduced-price meals in the National School Lunch Program to be eligible to receive free meals at a residential or non-residential camp. (Income
eligibility guidelines for reduced-price meals by family size are listed on the next page.) Children who are part of households that receive Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, or benefits under the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR), or Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) are automatically eligible to receive free meals.
The special Day Camp Programs/Camp Chabad
Acceptance and participation requirements for the program and all activities are the same for all regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability, and there will be no discrimination in the course of the meal service. Meals will be provided at the sites and times as follows:
The Waxman Center breakfast 9:30 – 10:30 AM, Supper 2:00 – 3:00 PM
2479 South Green Road Sunday – Saturday
Beachwood, Ohio 44122 May 21 – August 31, 2020 Curbside
Nondiscrimination Statement
In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA.
Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.), should contact the Agency (State or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally,
program information may be made available in languages other than English. To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, (AD-3027) found online at:, and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information
requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by:
(1) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20250-9410;
(2) fax: (202) 690-7442; or
(3) email:
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Revised January 2020
Important Message from the Purim Costume Gemach
Please return your *clean* costumes between 5/12-5/17 in the bin in front of the house at either drop off location.
University Heights:
Tzipora Sonnenschein – 2525 Claver Rd 2164069109
Cleveland Heights:
Chanie Hoffman – 3641 Bendemeer 6462857875
Raizy Freedman – 3735 Berkeley
Deposit checks will not be cashed until after 5/17 if costumes aren’t returned.
Wishing everyone hatzalcha and good health!
Please text before dropping off so we know who is returning costumes. Please put costumes in bag with your name CLEARLY written on outside of bag.
Backyard Minyanim
Thank you to all the block captains and hosts who worked to ensure the return of Tefillah B’tzibur to our community in a safe, responsible manner.
Baruch Dayan Ha’Emes
We regret to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Charlotte Dubin, Sheindel bas Moshe Yosel, mother of Mrs. Barrie Feld.
המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבילי ציון וירושלים
Exciting Contest for Local Teen Writers from Local Jewish Libraries!
Important Message from the Purim Costume Gemach
Please return your *clean* costumes between 5/12-5/17 in the bin in front of the house at either drop off location.
University Heights:
Tzipora Sonnenschein – 2525 Claver Rd 2164069109
Cleveland Heights:
Chanie Hoffman – 3641 Bendemeer 6462857875
Raizy Freedman – 3735 Berkeley
Deposit checks will not be cashed until after 5/17 if costumes aren’t returned.
Wishing everyone hatzalcha and good health!
Please text before dropping off so we know who is returning costumes. Please put costumes in bag with your name CLEARLY written on outside of bag.
Exciting Contest for Local Teen Writers from Local Jewish Libraries!
Baruch Dayan Ha’Emes
We regret to inform you of the passing of R’ Donny Garfinkel, brother of Rabbi Michoel Garfinkel.
המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבילי ציון וירושלים
A Message To and From the Health Commissioner
Important! Please Participate in This Year’s Census
Kosher Food Pantry Drive-Thru Pantry, Wednesday, 3-5pm
Baruch Dayan Ha’Emes
We regret to inform you of the passing of R’ Ephraim Garfinkel Z”L, father of Rabbi Michoel Garfinkel. The levaya took place Monday. Shiva information to follow.
המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבילי ציון וירושלים
Reminder to Say Kiddush Levana
Grumer Shiva
Rebbitzen Rochel Grumer is sitting Shiva at the Bikur Cholim house at 3653 Shannon Road. She will be sitting on the side porch. Visitors are reminded to adhere to social distancing. Hours are as follows:
Rabbi Margareten will share דברי זכרון this Wednesday evening at 8 pm.
Kosher Food Pantry Drive-Thru Pantry, Wednesday, 3-5pm
The Sheitel Gemach is Currently Accepting Lightly-Used Sheitels
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