Please daven for CHAVA LEAH BAS MINDEL.
(View the entire Cleveland Tehillim List.)
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
News, Info & Resources for the Cleveland Orthodox Jewish Community
Please daven for CHAVA LEAH BAS MINDEL.
(View the entire Cleveland Tehillim List.)
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
Please daven for Yitzchok ben Esther and Refoel Yehuda ben Aidelle (name changed from Yehuda ben Aidelle).
(View the entire Cleveland Tehillim List.)
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
Sunday, August 13th, is the last day for men’s swim at Purvis Pool. Since lessons have now completed, men’s-only pool hours will be 6pm – 8pm instead of the 6:45pm – 8:45pm it has been the rest of the summer.
The yoshon season is about to begin. To receive local yoshon information, please send an email to
Mazal tov to Shami and Chani Kirsch on the birth of a baby boy!
Shalom Zachar announcement:
With gratitude to Hashem, Shami and Chani Kirsch are happy to invite the community to a Sholom Zochor upon the birth of their son. It will be located at 23165 Wendover Drive, Beachwood, beginning at 9:15PM.
Please daven for Leah bas Chaya Sora Shaina Chasha.
(View the entire Cleveland Tehillim List.)
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
Editor’s note: Sushi2Go (CH) and Bar Sushi (UH) are not the same establishments.
Effective August 1, 2018, Sushi2Go is no longer certified by Cleveland Kosher. This is not due to any kashrus problems or violations.
Editor’s note: Sushi2Go (CH) and Bar Sushi (UH) are not the same establishments.
Effective August 1, 2018, Sushi2Go is no longer certified by Cleveland Kosher. This is not due to any kashrus problems or violations.
Mazal tov to Dr. Yitz and Shoshana Warn on the birth of a baby boy!
Mazal tov to Rabbi Yitz and Rochelle Frank on the birth of a baby girl!
Mazal tov to Rabbi Yaakov and Humi Resnick on the birth of a baby girl!
We regret to inform you of the passing of Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Kot.
The levaya will take place tonight, Motzei Shabbos at Khal Yereim between 1:00 a.m. 1:30 a.m.
המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבילי ציון וירושלים
(Click image to view the camp schedules as a PDF.)
All divisions are in session from JULY 2 – AUGUST 10, 2018.
For more information, please contact Rabbi Drazin at 216-321-5838 ext. 176.
For an online application, please visit our website at
You can mail the application to:
Camp S.T.E.P.
1860 S Taylor Road
Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
You can also email your application to