Please daven for Chaya Henna bas Sorah Rochel.
(View the Cleveland Tehillim List.)
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
News, Info & Resources for the Cleveland Orthodox Jewish Community
Please daven for Chaya Henna bas Sorah Rochel.
(View the Cleveland Tehillim List.)
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
Shabbos ends:
Times used with permission from
Please daven for Naftali ben Aeda Chaya.
(View the Cleveland Tehillim List.)
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
Attention all women of the Cleveland community!! We are working on bringing Rebbetzin Sima Spetner from Eretz Yisroel to Cleveland this summer to give her much sought after parenting workshops!
Anyone interested, please call Bracha Cook at 516-574-3071 or 216-785-9021 by February 20th. We need a minimum of 30 ladies for the course!
The Shloshim of Lynda Steiner will be Monday, February 12th, at 8:15pm at Young Israel of Beachwood Kollel.
Mazal tov to Rabbi Simcha Zev and Mrs. Menucha Baum on the birth of a baby boy!
Attention all women of the Cleveland community!! We are working on bringing Rebbetzin Sima Spetner from Eretz Yisroel to Cleveland this summer to give her much sought after parenting workshops!
Anyone interested, please call Bracha Cook at 516-574-3071 or 216-785-9021 by February 20th. We need a minimum of 30 ladies for the course!
Please daven for Tzvi Dov ben Sheva and Nachshon Meir ben Temima Chaya Sara Shlomit.
(View the Cleveland Tehillim List.)
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
Please do not rely on the zmamin as presented in the email. The table of zmanim from the LJN website may not be presented properly in the email. Either visit or use a source other than the email.
Location | Candlelighting | Shabbos Ends | 72 Minutes |
Beachwood, Cleveland Heights, University Heights | 5:25 | 6:28 | 6:57 |
Wickliffe | 5:24 | 6:28 | 6:57 |
Brooklyn, NY | 4:56 | 5:59 | 6:29 |
Detroit, MI | 5:29 | 6:33 | 7:02 |
Lakewood, NJ | 4:59 | 6:01 | 6:31 |
Miami, FL | 5:47 | 6:42 | 7:19 |
Thornhill, ON | 5:11 | 6:17 | 6:44 |
Times used with permission from
As we mark the Shloshim of Ateres Roshainu Harav Eliyahu Nechemia Galupkin, zt”l, we ask that anyone with stories, recordings or pictures of Rav Galupkin, zt”l, should please send them to
Thank you,
Galupkin & Schneider Family
The N’shei Gown Gemach will be closed the week of January 29th and resume hours the following week iy”h. Please call next week for an appointment if needed. Thank you.
We regret to inform you of the passing of Rebbitzen Sora Ita Katz, wife of Harav Chaim Tzvi Hakohen Katz zt”l, and mother of Rav Betzalel Katz (Lakewood), Rav Shmuel Yeshaya Katz (South Fallsburg), Rav Elya Nota Katz (Monsey), Rav Motty Katz (NYC), Rav Avrohom Katz (Toronto), Rav Aizik Moshe Katz (Lakewood), Mrs. Dini Breslauer (South Fallsburg), and Mrs. Zeacy Kaplan (Bensonhurst).
The levaya was held Sunday morning in Boro Park. A levaya will be held in Cleveland Monday morning at 10:00am in the Telshe Yeshiva Dining Room.
Kevura will be in at Lansing Cemetery, 3933 E. 57th Street Cleveland, OH 44105 (
The family will be sitting shiva for 2 hours after the kevurah at the home of Rabbi and Mrs. Benyomin Stein, 2680 Bishop Road Wickliffe, OH (
המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבילי ציון וירושלים
Larry Zukerman will be sitting Shiva in Cleveland Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, January 29-31, from 7-9pm, at their home 2800 Selkirk Rd., Beachwood, OH (
Maariv will be at 7pm. [Read more…]
As we mark the Shloshim of Ateres Roshainu Harav Eliyahu Nechemia Galupkin, zt”l, we ask that anyone with stories, recordings or pictures of Rav Galupkin, zt”l, should please send them to
Thank you,
Galupkin & Schneider Family
The N’shei Gown Gemach will be closed the week of January 29th and resume hours the following week iy”h. Please call next week for an appointment if needed. Thank you.
The N’shei Simcha gown gemach will be closed the week of March 25th until after Pesach. Please call 216-371-3685 after yomtov if you need an appointment.
Thank you and chag kasher v’sameach.