- Chaim Leib Hershel HaCohen ben Elka
- Reuven ben Rochel
- Devora Chaya Mushka bas Breindel
as well as the other cholim on the Cleveland Tehillim List.
News, Info & Resources for the Cleveland Orthodox Jewish Community
as well as the other cholim on the Cleveland Tehillim List.
On this last Motzei Shabbos, when most of us were tidying up the house and preparing for bed, Cleveland’s Orthodox Boy Scout Troop, led by Mr. Rob Hartstone, was packing up for an overnight campout. It looked as if might rain. No matter! Troop 95 was heading out to brave the elements. The Scouts were all very excited to be on this adventure.
The Boy Scout motto is “Be Prepared.” And, this Boy Scout Troop was. The boys had been meticulously getting ready for this overnight for weeks. Under Hartstone’s tireless direction, they had thought through what they would need – right down to the Cholov Yisroel milk and Tefillin – and methodically packed everything.
This may not sound like such a big deal, but it is. If you have teenage boys, imagine their level of enthusiasm for preparing to sleep outside in rainy, 45-degree weather. Here, we have a group of boys that would not have missed this opportunity for anything.
The Boy Scouts teaches both self-reliance and teamwork. It builds men out of boys, empowering them to feel confident to take on challenges that might normally intimidate them. Boys learn to thrive beyond anyone’s expectations in the Scouting program. When combined with a Torah way of life, the values of Scouting are all the more inspiring for boys to grow into mature, responsible Jewish men.
Rob Hartstone deserves enormous Hakaras HaTov from the entire Cleveland Orthodox community for serving in the role of Boy Scout leader. He’s providing an extremely valuable service to boys and their families. Yashar koach, Mr. Hartstone!
Click for printable PDF version. You can also visit the Cleveland Tehillim List page to see changes between publications of the list.
An updated Tehillim List of the Cleveland Tehillim Chevra is now available. This is the second list of 5778.
The list is being published as a partnership between Local Jewish News and Mrs. Chanie Malcmacher in the hope that it will cause even more community members to be mispalel on behalf of those in need. It will continue its practice of approximately six bi-monthly print editions.
In order to maintain seder, the following long-standing guidelines remain in place for the inclusion of a name:
Currently, the community has the merit of completing the entire Tehillim nearly two times daily. To participate in a daily completion of the Tehillim, please email Mrs. Malcmacher at justdaven@gmail.com.
Update: A day 10 eviction notice has been served.
The offender’s registered address is 4446 Groveland University Heights which is right in our community. While the laws regarding a minimum separation of 1000 feet between offenders and schools or childcare facilities are nuanced and therefore not always easily enforced, UHPD and the Sheriff’s Department were contacted to inform them that the address is within 1000 feet of the Gearity School property. Additionally, the property owner has begun taking steps toward eviction.
Cuyahoga County Sheriff’s Office maintains the registry which is also available as a public website.
Please note this is not necessarily the only such offender living in our community but rather the most recent addition.
We regret to inform you of the passing of Gavriel (Rick) Heller.
Shiva will be at the Heller home, 2207 South Green Rd., 1-4pm and 7-9pm.
המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבילי ציון וירושלים
Hakomas Matzeiva for Shari Blech A”H will take place on Sunday, November 5th at 12:00 noon at Ridge Rd Cemetery#1, Zichron Chaim Section.
The offender’s registered address is 4446 Groveland University Heights which is right in our community. While the laws regarding a minimum separation of 1000 feet between offenders and schools or childcare facilities are nuanced and therefore not always easily enforced, UHPD and the Sheriff’s Department were contacted to inform them that the address is within 1000 feet of the Gearity School property. Additionally, the property owner has begun taking steps toward eviction.
Cuyahoga County Sheriff’s Office maintains the registry which is also available as a public website.
Please note this is not necessarily the only such offender living in our community but rather the most recent addition.
As we change the clocks, it’s a good time to remember that smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors save lives! But only if they’re working!
If you need new 9V batteries, for the next week, Chaverim is offering Duracell brand batteries for sale for $2 each. Please contact Shmuel Kessler at 216-373-3666 or shmuelkessler@gmail.com.
as well as the other cholim on the Cleveland Tehillim List.
Hakomas Matzeiva for Shari Blech A”H will take place on Sunday, November 5th at 12:00 noon at Ridge Rd Cemetery#1, Zichron Chaim Section.
Please daven for Dovid ben Miriam Raizel and Devorah Frumit bas Chana as well as the other cholim on the Cleveland Tehillim List.
Click the chart to download a printable PDF version of the brochos contest chart.
We regret to inform you of the passing of Estelle Gottlieb, z”l, mother of Ilka (Julian) Gordon.
The funeral will be tomorrow, October 31st at 1:00 pm, graveside at Beth Israel Cemetery in Woodbridge, NJ.
Following the burial, Ilka will begin sitting shiva at the Berenholz home, 600 Maitland Avenue, Teaneck, NJ.
Ilka will be returning to Cleveland on Wednesday, November 1st and will be sitting shiva at the Gordon home, 2268 Orchard Way, after 8:00pm Wednesday, and then daily with no set hours until Monday morning. There will be no minyanim at the home.
Donations in Estelle’s memory can be directed to Bikur Cholim of Cleveland 3653 Shannon Rd., Cleveland Heights, OH 44118. www.bikurcholimcleveland.org
המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבילי ציון וירושלים
New mincha minyan forming on workdays at 2pm, at 121eCommerce on 2940 Noble Rd. Go in the door in the back parking lot and straight up the stairs. Look for the signs for 121.
Hakomas Matzeva for Lazar Neuman, z”l, להיקר באדם ר’ אברהם אלעזר בן דוד ז”ל
Monday, 10 Cheshvan, 5778, October 30 at 10am
Eretz Chaim Cemetery – Bet Shemesh, Agudas Yisroel Chelka, גוש א ח׳לקה ו׳
Please daven for Devora bas Sara as well as the other cholim on the Cleveland cholim Tehillim List.
The Polonsky and Waxman families kindly request that this week when you take challah you have in mind Yehoshua Refoel HaLevi ben Yocheved for a complete and speedy recovery.
Brachos and instructions can be found at http://www.chabad.org/theJewishWoman/article_cdo/aid/363331/jewish/6-Separating-Challah.htm.
May we hear good news!
New mincha minyan forming on workdays at 2pm, at 121eCommerce on 2940 Noble Rd. Go in the door in the back parking lot and straight up the stairs. Look for the signs for 121.
Click the chart to download a printable PDF version of the brochos contest chart.
Dear All,
Thank you for your love and support. The Firestone children kindly request that between 2 and 5pm today and tomorrow, Tuesday and Wednesday, only friends visit them; no adults at that time please.
Thank you for your understanding!
We regret to inform you of the passing of Neff Fremont, father of Gary, Mark & Danny Fremont.
The levaya will be 1pm Thursday, Oct. 26, 2017 at Berkowitz-Kumin.
Shiva will be at 14395 Washington Blvd, University Heights, Ohio 44118. Shiva hours are:
Davida Schultz is coordinating meals and can be reached at (216) 978-2785.
המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבילי ציון וירושלים