Mazal Tov to Rabbi Avrohom Chaim & Mrs. Shulamit Gibber on the birth of a baby girl!
Community-Wide Tehillim Thursday
Kosher Food Pantry Outdoor Produce Giveaway
Baruch Dayan Ha’Emes – Ronald Jacoby, ob”m
We regret to inform you of the passing of Ronald (Manny) Jacoby brother of Mr. Irwin Jacoby.
Mr. Jacoby will be sitting shiva in Chicago with Mrs. Lillian Jacoby and niece Brina Grinblatt.
He may be contacted at 216 272 4344.
המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבילי ציון וירושלים
Mazal Tov! It’s a Boy!
Bais Avraham Tishrei Schedule
Click to view printable PDF version of the Bais Avraham Tishrei Schedule.
Cleveland Kosher Kashrus Bulletin, Elul 5777
Bus for Bochurim Motzei Yom Kippur
We are organizing a bus for yeshiva bochurim returning home Motzei Yom Kippur from the East Coast. Tentative stops are in Passaic and Long Beach. If you are interested, please contact us ASAP and include number of boys and preferred location of pick-up. Please call or text 216-543-9321.
Community Hafroshos Challah this Wednesday for Refuah Shleimahs
Baruch Dayan Ha’Emes – Herbert Geduld, ob”m
We regret to inform you of the passing of Herbert Geduld, זצ”ל, husband of Mrs. Toby Geduld and father of Mrs. Lisa Schabes, Mrs. Elana Kalker and Mr. David Geduld.
The levaya will be at Berkowitz Kumin at 3:30pm tomorrow, Monday. The burial will be at the Young Israel section of Bet Olam Cemetery at Chagrin and Richmond.
Shiva will be at the Schabes residence at 2459 Brentwood Road in Beachwood. On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, shiva will be until 9:30pm. On Friday, Erev Yom Kippur, shiva will be until 2:30pm.
On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Slichos will be at 6:15am. Shacharis will be at 6:45am. On Friday, Slichos will be at 6:30am and shacharis at 6:45am.
On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Mincha will be at 6:55pm.
המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבילי ציון וירושלים
Baruch Dayan Ha’Emes – Walter Frank, ob”m
We regret to inform you of the passing of Walter Frank, z”l, father of Len (Birdie), grandfather of Larry (Malkie), Lisa (Yehudah) Lindenberg & David, great-grandfather of Eitan, Talia, Raanan, Joey, Sam, Louis, Rena & Zach.
Funeral is graveside at Mt. Olive, tomorrow, Monday, at 10am.
Shiva is at 2441 Beachwood Blvd.
Shacharis is at 7:30am.
Mincha is at 7pm.
Shiva hours:
- After Shacharis until 9am
- 10am to 12pm
- 1:30pm to 5:30pm
- 7pm (Mincha) to 10pm
המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבילי ציון וירושלים
Community Hafroshos Challah this Wednesday for Refuah Shleimahs
Mazal Tov to Yosef Roberts on Your Bar Mitzvah – From Heights Hats!
Mazel Tov to Yosef Roberts on your Bar Mitzvah!!
You look great in your new hat from Heights Hats!!
Do YOU need a hat before Yom Tov??
We will be open all this week and next week IY”H, but closed on Erev Yom Kippur and Erev Succos. Also available during Chol Hamoed. Call for an appointment- 216-374-4484
Heights Hats wishes all the community a g’mar chasima tova for a happy healthy New Year!!!
N’Shei Children’s Gown Gemach Schedule
The Seasons Are Changing – Visit the Home-Bound
From a concerned reader:
It is the time of the year when the disabled and senior citizens in our community will be house bound because of the weather.
Please make a decision to visit or call our a disabled or senior citizens near you to check on them and or visit them as your time permits.
This may be the only way for them to speak to another person till spring comes.
Kosher Food Pantry Yom Tov Schedule
Pantry is closed on yom tov, but will be open other additional days. Download a printable calendar here.
Questions? Call 216-382-7202 or 845-558-1529.
Wishing everyone a happy, healthy and prosperous new year!
Urgent Tehillim Gathering Sunday, Tzom Gedaliah
Shabbos Shuva Teshuva Drasha for Men and Women by Rabbi Yehuda Cahan
Shabbos Parshas Haazinu September 23, 3rd Tishrei, 5778
Rabbi Yehuda Cahan will be giving:
- Shabbos Shuva/ Teshuva Drasha for the Women of the community at 4:45pm at Rav and Rebbetzin Denciger’s home, 4380 University Parkway, University Hts.
- There will be a Drasha for men, at the Aleksander Shul, at 6:10 pm, followed by Mincha at 6:51, followed by Shalosh Seudos.
May we all have a Ksiva VeChasima Tova!
If you are interested to be notified by email or text of future classes/drashos by Rabbi Cahan you can send an email to
- (RYCahan Classes For Men.)
- (RYCahan Classes For Women.)
Yom Tov Safety Guide from Chaverim and Local Fire Departments
(For those of you that don’t have internet access, please email and we’ll email you the pdf.)
Chaverim of Cleveland Yom Tov Fire and Safety Guide
Chaverim wants to remind you that on all yomim tovim–but especially this year since there are many three-day yomim tovim–there are many increased risks from extra cooking, leaving stoves and ovens on, increased use of fire and more.
Please download and print the following guide to help identify potential safety problems and work to avoid or mitigate them. Of primary importance, smoke and carbon monoxide detectors save lives. Please make sure yours are healthy. Never ignore a detector’s alarm.
Lactose Free Cholov Yisroel Milk Available at Boris
Gluten-Free Oat Challah Roll Gemach
Gluten free oat challah rolls

Yaldei Malka Gemach: Strollers, Pack n Plays, and Baby Equipment
Young Israel Tishrei Schedule
View the entire schedule for Tishrei as a pdf.
Shofar Times
Please send your shofar blowing times and locations, including those outside of the shul’s regular minyan. You can send them to A list will be compiled and published on on a rolling basis.
Heights Jewish Center Welcomes You for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur
Levaya of Rabbi Shlomo Davis, zt”l, Today, Sunday, at 3:30 at Telshe Yeshiva
We regret to inform you of the passing of Rabbi Shlomo Davis, zt”l, father of Reb Yosef Davis (Chicago) and Mrs. Devorah Shoshana (Wickliffe).
The levaya will take place at Telshe Yeshiva today. Mincha is at 3:15 and the levaya is at 3:30.
המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבילי ציון וירושלים
The Sephardic Congregation of Cleveland Invites You to Join Us
The Sephardic Congregation of Cleveland invites everyone join us for another season of authentic Sephardi davening and celebration. See the attached schedule or visit and sign up for weekly email updates.
Kosher Food Pantry Yom Tov Schedule
Pantry is closed on yom tov, but will be open other additional days. Download a printable calendar here.
Questions? Call 216-382-7202 or 845-558-1529.
Wishing everyone a happy, healthy and prosperous new year!
Unveiling for Lazer Bederis, ob”m, Sunday, 5pm
In loving memory of Lazer Bederis (father of Victoria Beder), there will be an unveiling of the matzeivah on Sunday, September 17 at 5 pm at Mt. Sinai Cemetery 6576 White Rd; Cleveland, Ohio 44143 (corner of SOM Center Rd & White Rd in Mayfield Village).
Names Added to Tehillim List
Please daven for Yosef Ben Miriam Shosha Davsha and Yehudit Channa bas Malka as well as the other cholim on the Cleveland cholim Tehillim List.
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