Click for PDF of full Beachwood Kehilla 5777 Shavuos Schedule and Cheat Sheet
- 12:00-12:45
Dr. Michael Gottesman
A holiday neglected by the Torah Shebichtav? – Understanding why important details about Shavuot are absent in the Torah - 12:50-1:35
Mr. Mark Wachter
Hineini – Leonard Cohen’s Jewish Identity - 1:40-2:25
Mr. David Wilkof
Akdamut – Crossing the River with No Return. - 2:30-3:15
Rabbi Shmuly Friedman
The making of a Jew - 3:20-4:05
Dr. David Bar-Shain
Sweet Sweet Torah - 4:10-4:53
Rabbi Ari Spiegler
Did We Really Receive the Torah on Shavuot?