Mazal Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Dovid Gross (University Heights) on the birth of a girl.
Mazal Tov! It’s a Girl!
Mazal tov to Lazer and Hannah Porter on the birth of a baby girl. Mazal tov to the Porter and Rubenstein families!
Baruch Dayan Ha’Emes – Lillian Hefter
Mother of Rabbi Malkiel Hefter.
Date of Funeral: Sunday, December 4, 2016
Time of Funeral: 3 pm
Funeral Location: Levinson Chapel 8900 Reisterstown Road Pikesville, Maryland, 21208
Cemetery: Har Hamenuchos-Israel
Shiva will be at 3106 Shelburne Rd, Pikesville, MD
Tzvi & Malkiel Hefter will be sitting Tuesday afternoon upon return from Eretz Yisrael. Yossie will begin Shiva Sunday evening after the Lavaya. Rabbi Malkiel Hefter will return to Cleveland for Shabbos.
Shiva and minyonim at 3558 Bendemeer:
- Motzei Shabbos & Sunday until 11:00 PM
- Sunday Shachris : 7:30 AM
- Sunday Mincha: 4:40 PM
- Monday Shachris 7:00 AM
Rabbi Malkiel Hefter can be reached at 216-346-9055 or
Hamakom yenachem eschem bsoch shaar avelei Tzion v’Yerushalayim
Baruch Dayan Ha’Emes – Meyer (Mike) Haas
We regret to inform you of the passing of Meyer (Mike) Haas, husband of the late Shoshana Haas, father of the late Daniel Haas, and father of Yehudit Spero, Debbie Henderson, Sharon Rothberg, and Joanne Barth. The funeral will be tomorrow, Thursday, December 1, at 1:00 pm at Berkowitz Kumin. Burial will be in Zion Memorial Park, Young Israel Section. Shiva will be as follows:
- At the Young Israel of Greater Cleveland Stone Synagogue, following the burial, until 9:00 pm.
- Friday, Dec. 2 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at Menorah Park
- Motzei Shabbos, Dec. 3 from 7:30 pm to 10:00 pm at Menorah Park
Shiva will continue in Eretz Yisroel.
HaMakom yenachem eschem bsoch shar avaylay Tzion v’Yerushalayim.
Mazal Tov – Aufruf of Akiva Singer!
Mendel and Chavi Singer invite you to celebrate the aufruf of their son, Akiva, this Shabbos, parshas Todos. Kiddish is at the home of the Lerman’s, 3627 Severn Road.
Baruch Dayan Ha’Emes – Mrs. Baila Warszawski
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes – Beatrice Berger, a”h
Beatrice Berger (nee Simon) beloved wife of the late Jack. Mother of Jerome (Fran) Berger. Dear sister of the late Rose Smayo, Lillian Kleinman and Sol Simon. Cherished aunt, great aunt and great great aunt. Graveside services will be held Monday, November 21 at 3 PM at the Zion Memorial Park. Family requests no visitation. Friends who wish may contribute to the Kol Israel Foundation.
Mazal Tov from Heights Hats!
Mazel tov from Heights Hats to Yoni Bernstein on your Bar-Mitzvah!!!
You look great in your new hat!!!
Mazal Tov – Scheinerman & Nisenbaum Vort!
Mazal Tov! Scheinerman & Nisenbaum Engagement
Mazal tov to Yossi Scheinerman and Sora Faiga Nisenbaum on their engagement! Mazal Tov to parents Mr. and Mrs. Motti and Tova Scheinerman and Rabbi and Mrs. Ephraim and Chani Nisenbaum.
Celebrate together! Send your Mazal Tov to
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes – R’ Rafael Asher Behboudnia
We regret to inform you of the passing of Mr. Rafael Asher Behboudnia, husband of Pari, father of Shimon, Baruch, Rabbi Pinchos, Azita Berger, and Rozita Weiss. The funeral took place Thursday, Nov 10th at 2pm at Berkowitz Kumin. Shiva will be at 2104 S. Green Road (park on Acacia Dr.) and the schedule is below:
Mazal Tov – Engagement of Elchonon Chaikin
Mazel tov to Rabbi and Mrs Chaikin on the engagement of their son, Elchonon, to Mussi Schapiro from Crown Heights!
Mazal Tov – Baby Girl Amar
Mazel tov to Yoni and Nava Amar on the birth of a daughter. Grandparents are Gary and Tammy Witkes.
Mazal Tov! – Aufruf of Netanel Mahalli
With gratitude to Hashem Yisbarach we would like to share the Simchas Aufruf of our dear son Netanel Mahalli that will take place Shabbos Parshas Noach at Taylor Road Synagogue. Shachris is at 9:00AM; kiddush to follow.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes – Father of Shifra Rennert
Please Share Your Mazal Tovs
Births, Bar/Bas Mitzvahs, Engagements, Weddings; we’d love to share them all! If you have pictures to share, send them as well!
Also, if you want to publicly share your Shalom Zachar, Bris, or Kiddush, please let us know through an authorized representative of the family.
Please send Mazal Tovs to
Baruch Dayan Ha’Emes – Mr. Fred Labrie, OB”M
The levaya of Mr. Fred Labrie will be at 3:30pm, today, Wednesday, at Berkowitz Kumin. It will proceed to Mt. Olive cemetery.
Shiva will be at the home of the Adlers, 3793 Bendemeer. Hours are:
- Shacharis at 8am
- Mincha/maariv at 6:10pm
- Visiting: 9-11am and 1-3 and 7-9pm
- Friday visiting hours: 9-11am and 1-3pm
- Motzei Shabbos visiting hours: 8-9:30pm
Update with Shiva Info: Baruch Dayan Ha’Emes – Eleanor Pickholtz
Hershell Pickholtz will be sitting Shiva for his mother, Eleanor Pickholtz at the home of Jeffery Pickholtz, 4493 Mackall in South Euclid.
Times are as follows:
- Wednesday- Thursday- Shacharit at 7:00 a.m., visitation until 11 a.m., mincha at 6:20, visitation until 9 pm.
- Friday – Shacharit at 7:00 a.m., visitation until 11 a.m.
- Motzei Shabbat- visitation 8-9:30 pm
- Sunday- Shacharit at 8:00 a.m., visitation until 11:30 a.m., mincha at 6:20, visitation until 9 pm.
- Monday- Shacharit at 7:00.
Shiva ends Monday morning.
Original post:
We regret to inform you of the passing of Eleanor Pickholtz, the mother of Dr. Herschel and Sheila Pickholtz. The funeral will take place tomorrow, October 20th at 1:00pm at Berkowitz-Kumin.
Shiva details to follow.
May the family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
Update with Shiva Info: Baruch Dayan Ha’Emes – Carol Cohen, ob”m
Shiva Update
Hershel Cohen is sitting shiva for his mother at 3802 Bendemeer rd. until Monday morning, October 31.
- Shachris will be at 7:15 am on Thursday, Friday, and Monday and 8:30 am on Sunday.
- Mincha will be at 6:20 pm on Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday.
Original Post
We regret to inform you about the passing of Carol Cohen, mother of Hershel Cohen. The levaya will take place in Detroit, MI on Sunday at 9:30 am. Hershel will be sitting Shiva at 3802 Bendemeer Rd starting after Yom Tov.
May the family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
Baruch Dayan Ha’Emes – Mrs. Esther Silverstein, ob”m
Mrs. Esther Silverstein of Borough Park, NY passed away early Monday morning, 22 Tishrei – Shemini Atzeres 5777.
She was 91.
She was the daughter of Basha Freid, cousins to Ansbacher, Borenstein, Hendel, Freid, and the Tennenbaums of Montreal and Crown Heights.
She is survived by her four children: Ira Silverstein- Manhattan, New York ; Joyce Toub – Albany, New York; Devorah Baila Spadone – Cleveland, Ohio and Neil Silverstein- Los Angeles, California.
The levaya will take place in Brooklyn, New York on Thursday at 11:00 AM starting at the Norman Jeffer Chapel 3803 14th Ave. Brooklyn, NY and continuing to the Beth David Cemetery in Elmont, NY.
Shiva will be held at 838 West End Ave Apt # 2C on Thursday. Devorah Baila Spadone will be sitting shiva Motzei Shabbos thru Wednesday in her home in Cleveland, Ohio.
Baruch Dayan Ha’Emes – Mrs. Eva Hersh
We regret to inform you of the passing of our long time member, Mrs. Eva Hersh (wife of the late Philip Hersh). The funeral will take place Wednesday, October 19th at 1:00pm at Berkowitz-Kumin.
Our condolences to her children, Rachel Schwartz , A. Samuel (Susan) Hersh, and Jeffrey Martin Hersh. Shiva hours to follow ( will be at the home of Rachel Schwartz, 24712 Wimbleton Road, Beachwood).
May the family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
Baruch Dayan Ha’Emes – Mrs. Elaine Simon, OB”M
Update (Shiva): Baruch Dayan Ha’Emes – Mr. Benny Zigdon, OB”M
Shiva hours at Zigdon home 2654 Brentwood in Beachwood
- Morning 6:45-12:00
- Afternoon: 2:00-5:00
- Evening:-6:00-9:00
Minyanim Times:
- Sefardi Selichos (F,M,T) 5:55 am (Sunday Sefardi Slichos 7:00 am)
- Shacharis: (F, M, T) 6:50 am (Sunday Shacharis 7:50 am)
- Mincha/Maariv: (TH,S,M) 6:45 pm (Mincha on Friday and Erev Yom Kippur 2:30 pm)
- Maariv Motzei Shabbos: 7:45 pm
The Levaya of Mr. Benny Zigdon – R’ Benyamin ben R’ Yosef, A”H – will be Thursday, 11:00 am, at Berkowitz Kumin.
Shiva will take place at the Zigdon home, 2654 Brentwood.
Baruch Dayan Ha’Emes
It is with great sadness that we inform the community of the passing of Dr. Irvin Taylor, Shmuel Yitzchok ben Henoch, A”H, beloved husband of Dr. Judith Taylor, father of Dr. David Taylor and Mr. Hugh (Hersh) Taylor, and grandfather of six.
LEVAYA/KEVURA in Northern California, Thursday at 12:30PM.
Hersh will be returning to Cleveland for the remainder of shiva on Friday, September 16 through Shacharis, Wednesday, September 21, at 4391 Churchill Boulevard in University Heights.
- Shacharis: 7:45AM Sunday, 7:25AM Monday; 7:30AM Tuesday & Wednesday
- Maariv, Motzei Shabbos: 8:25PM
- Mincha, Maariv: 7:10PM, Sunday–Tuesday
Please, no visitors between the hours of 11:30A-2:30P
CONDOLENCES may be sent to
May the family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
Baruch Dayan Ha’Emes
We regret to inform you of the passing of Adina Ornstein’s father, Aryeh Leib Dovid (Lewis) Zinkin.
The burial will take place today, Monday evening, September 12th at ~10:00pm in Eretz Hachaim in Bet Shemesh, Israel.
Shiva will begin Tuesday, Sept 13, from 8am to 7pm, at the home of Hillel and Rina Zinkin, 48 Sderot Eshkol, Apt 11, Jerusalem, Israel.
Shiva will continue on Wednesday morning, Sept 14, at 471 Harrison Ave Highland Park, NJ 08904 and will continue until the morning of Monday, Sept 19th.
Adina can be reached on her cell at 732-887-2858 or via email at
Moshe can be reached at
May the family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
Tehilim for Mrs. Landau
Mrs. Naomi Landau, Naomi Mindel Bas Yittl needs our prayers. A pillar of our community, Mrs. Landau, of Matan BSayser has given such an extraordinary amount of delicious food, kind words, wise advice to thousands and thousands of us over the years and now she needs us. Please join us for Tehillim at my house 14475 E Carroll at 8:30 tomorrow, Monday night.
Shoshana Kaufman
Young Israel of Greater Cleveland/Dirshu Mishna Brura Class – Change of Location and Time
Starting Sunday, September 11, 2016, Dirshu Evening Mishna Brura Class will meet on Sunday through Thursday at 9:00 pm at Young Israel of Greater Cleveland, 2463 S. Green Road. Maariv follows at 9:30 pm.
Baruch Dayan Ha’Emes
We regret to inform you of the passing of Jonathan Messeloff, father of Dan (Wendy) Messeloff.
The funeral was yesterday, Sunday, September 4, in New York City. Dan will be returning to Cleveland and sitting shiva in Cleveland beginning on Wednesday evening at his home, 23476 Shelburne Road in Shaker Heights.
- Minchah/Maariv on Wednesday and Thursday at 7:35 p.m.
- Shacharis on Thursday and Friday mornings at 7:30 a.m
Visiting hours
- Wednesday from 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m.,
- Thursday from 1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m
- Friday from 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
May the family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes
The Grave-Side funeral of Mrs. Helen Feig will take place this Sunday, September 3rd, 10:00am at Zion Memorial Park.
May the family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes
ESTELLE PARIS, age 99, died August 30, 2016. Beloved wife of the late William Paris; devoted mother of Marcia (Mel) Waxman, Laurel (Fred) Suess of CA, Michael Paris of CA Susan Paris of KY and David (Michelle) Paris; dear sister of the late Fay Fishman; loving grandmother, great-grandmother and great-great-grandmother. Services will be held atBERKOWITZ-KUMIN-BOOKATZ MEMORIAL CHAPEL, 1985 S. TAYLOR RD., CLEVELAND HTS. on Friday, September 2 at 12 noon. Interment Mt. Olive Cemetery (Cedar Sinai Synagogue section). The family will observe the week of shivah at the residence of Mel and Marcia Waxman, 4411 University Pkwy, University Hts. Contributions in Estelle’s memoriay are suggested to the Waxman Chabad Center
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