Please daven for Meira bas Chana (Mendelson).
(View the entire Cleveland Community Tehillim List.)
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
News, Info & Resources for the Cleveland Orthodox Jewish Community
You can view a complete Tehillim List here.
Please daven for Meira bas Chana (Mendelson).
(View the entire Cleveland Community Tehillim List.)
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
Please daven for Elisheva bas Zahava.
(View the entire Cleveland Community Tehillim List.)
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
Please daven for Esther bas Shoshana.
(View the entire Cleveland Community Tehillim List.)
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
Please daven for Yosef Shalom ben Sora.
(View the entire Cleveland Community Tehillim List.)
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
Please daven for Yeshaya ben Gittel.
(View the entire Cleveland Community Tehillim List.)
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
Please daven for Tzvi ben Tzerril.
(View the entire Cleveland Community Tehillim List.)
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
Please daven for Eliyahu Zvi ben Ita Mirel and Alte Ruda bas Esther Leah.
(View the entire Cleveland Community Tehillim List.)
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
Please daven for Yitzchok Binyomin ben Sara.
(View the entire Cleveland Community Tehillim List.)
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
Please daven for Dovid ben Roiza.
(View the entire Cleveland Community Tehillim List.)
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
Please daven for Eliezer Chaim Ben Rochel Asnas.
(View the entire Cleveland Community Tehillim List.)
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
Please daven for Refoel Yosef ben Shaindel.
(View the entire Cleveland Community Tehillim List.)
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
Please daven for Berthe Brana Brindl bat Laja.
(View the entire Cleveland Community Tehillim List.)
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
Please daven for Yocheved bas Tamar Yaffa.
Please listen to appeal from Rabbi Dovid Gross to do a Chesed for Yocheved
(View the entire Cleveland Community Tehillim List.)
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
Please daven for Yocheved bas Tamar Yaffa.
(View the entire Cleveland Community Tehillim List.)
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
Please daven for Berel Yosef ben Shayna Bracha.
(View the entire Cleveland Community Tehillim List.)
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
Please daven for Shlomo Leib ben Rochel Basya and Chaim Binyomin ben Shoshana Raizel.
(View the entire Cleveland Community Tehillim List.)
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
Please be Mispallel (pray) לרפואה שלימה for a full and speedy recovery for רחל בת לביאה, Rachel Bas Levia (Dushinsky), בתוך שאר חולי ישראל, who is in critical condition. She is in desperate need of our tefillois (prayers).
(View the entire Cleveland Community Tehillim List.)
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
Please daven for Shoshana bas Rivka.
(View the entire Cleveland Community Tehillim List.)
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
Please daven for Chaya Shira Bas Sorah Henya, Benyomin Ben Chaya Sora Shaina Chasha, Yonah Benyomin Ben Fraida Malka, and Yehudis Basya Bas Rachel Chaya.
(View the entire Cleveland Community Tehillim List.)
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
Please daven for Eliyahu Zvi ben Etta Merel Ita Mirel.
(View the entire Cleveland Community Tehillim List.)
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
Please daven for Avraham ben Tziporah, Rachel bas Lavia, and Miriam bas Dvosha.
(View the entire Cleveland Community Tehillim List.)
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
Please daven for Yona Teibel Bas Alta.
(View the entire Cleveland Community Tehillim List.)
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
Please daven for Dolev Bat Michal Devora.
(View the entire Cleveland Community Tehillim List.)
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
Please daven for Dovid HaLevi Ben Minah.
(View the entire Cleveland Community Tehillim List.)
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
Please daven for Raphael Yisroel Yaakov ben Beila.
(View the entire Cleveland Community Tehillim List.)
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
Please daven for Zev Ben Miriam Esther.
(View the entire Cleveland Community Tehillim List.)
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
Please daven for Yisroel Yakkov Ben Baila for arichus yomim v’shonim tovim ad meah v’esrim. Amen.
(View the entire Cleveland Community Tehillim List.)
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
Please daven for Zev Ben Miriam Esther. He is scheduled for surgery tomorrow (Friday).
(View the entire Cleveland Community Tehillim List.)
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!