Click to listen to the message members received as Hatzalah Cleveland went live.
Hatzalah Cleveland Launches!
For emergencies dial 216-888-1818.
Hatzalah Cleveland is thrilled to announce that we have officially launched our emergency medical services, proudly serving the communities of Beachwood, Cleveland Heights, and University Heights. Our highly trained volunteer responders are now on call 24/7 to provide rapid and compassionate care during emergencies.
This milestone was achieved thanks to the exceptional support of University Hospitals, including the guidance of Dr. Dan Simon, Dan Ellenberger, EMS Director, and the outstanding team at the University Hospitals EMS Institute. Their expertise and collaboration have been invaluable in preparing our team to deliver top-tier pre-hospital care. We also extend our sincere thanks to all who have guided us and gave up of their time to help us reach this milestone.
If you or someone you know is experiencing a medical emergency in our service area, please call 216-888-1818 for immediate assistance. Our mission is to ensure fast, reliable, and culturally sensitive care to all who need it, no matter the time of day.
Hatzalah Cleveland is honored to join the network of Hatzalah chapters worldwide, united by our shared mission to save lives and support our communities.
For more information visit
The Sheitel Gemach is Currently Accepting Lightly-Used Sheitels
Purim Costume Gemach, Sunday, February 25th
Purim Costume Gemach, Sunday, February 25th
Purim Costume Gemach, Sunday, February 25th
Purim Costume Gemach, Sunday, February 25th
Purim Costume Gemach, Sunday, February 25th
Purim Costume Gemach, Sunday, February 25th
Purim Costume Gemach, Sunday, February 25th
Purim Costume Gemach, Sunday, February 25th
The Sheitel Gemach is Currently Accepting Lightly-Used Sheitels
Maternity Coat Gemach
The Sheitel Gemach is Currently Accepting Lightly-Used Sheitels
Maternity Coat Gemach
TDG Furniture Exchange
The Sheitel Gemach is Currently Accepting Lightly-Used Sheitels
The Sheitel Gemach is Currently Accepting Lightly-Used Sheitels
The Sheitel Gemach is Currently Accepting Lightly-Used Sheitels
The Sheitel Gemach is Currently Accepting Lightly-Used Sheitels
School Seforim Gemach
The School Seforim Gemach is in need of donations!
As the school year is coming to an end, please consider donating your child’s school seforim to the gemach! We particularly need Artscroll Chumashim, Artscroll Shmuel Alf/Beis, Artscroll Yehoshua/Shoftim, and Mikraos Gedoles Chumashim and Naviim – all current editions.
To make a donation, please call or text Natasha Cohen at 216-233-0764.
The Sheitel Gemach is Currently Accepting Lightly-Used Sheitels
School Seforim Gemach
The School Seforim Gemach is in need of donations!
As the school year is coming to an end, please consider donating your child’s school seforim to the gemach! We particularly need Artscroll Chumashim, Artscroll Shmuel Alf/Beis, Artscroll Yehoshua/Shoftim, and Mikraos Gedoles Chumashim and Naviim – all current editions.
To make a donation, please call or text Natasha Cohen at 216-233-0764.
The Sheitel Gemach is Currently Accepting Lightly-Used Sheitels
The Sheitel Gemach is Currently Accepting Lightly-Used Sheitels
Magazine Gemach Update
The magazine gemach is now collecting magazines in good condition dated from September 2022 until the present. Please refrain from dropping off any magazines prior to September 2022, and please do not wait until right before Pesach to drop off. It is preferred to please drop off smaller amounts at a time, rather than large boxes of build up – if you wait too long to donate than chances are we will no longer be able to use them and it makes the sorting process much more challenging.
Magazine Gemach Update
The magazine gemach is now collecting magazines in good condition dated from September 2022 until the present. Please refrain from dropping off any magazines prior to September 2022, and please do not wait until right before Pesach to drop off. It is preferred to please drop off smaller amounts at a time, rather than large boxes of build up – if you wait too long to donate than chances are we will no longer be able to use them and it makes the sorting process much more challenging.