Greater Cleveland’s urban scene gets a boost from young adults moving in
New to Northeast Ohio in 2010, Rachael Ng rented an apartment across from the mall in Beachwood. But as she came to know her way around town, she quickly joined the migration path of her tribe.
“I have a lot of friends who live downtown,” explained Ng (pronounced “Ing”), a 27-year-old pharmacist for the Cleveland Clinic. “A lot of us hang out on Coventry, too. I wanted something in the center of all that.”
So she moved to University Circle, on the border of Cleveland and Cleveland Heights, and added her energy to a new and potentially potent population pattern.
Cleveland AMIT Tu B’Shevat
Toddler Art Classes
Tu Bishvat Fundraiser for Torah Nursery
A Shabbat With Dr. Yael Ziegler
Batya’s Gourmet is Now Available at Unger’s, Boris’s Meats, and Other Fine Retailers
All of our products are under the supervision of Cleveland kosher and are produced fresh in Cleveland’s only pareve commercial kitchen.
Currently available are 13 different types of dips including:
Tomato, olive, spinach, charif, creamy tomato onion, baba ganuch, techina, garlic basil, dill, garlic, scallion, jalapeno , and chrainaise.
We also currently have available the following types of kugels:
Authentic yerushalmi, mock yerushalmi, apple, blueberry, spinach, spinach Mushroom.
Also available by special order:
Pareve cholent, tuna salad, egg salad, arbis/ chickpeas, sweet potato salad, peanut butter noodles, soy sesame noodles,
oregano garlic noodles, round roasted potatoes, rice with mushrooms and onions available in both brown and regular,cabbage and noodles, real mashed potatoes and onions, sweet and sour zucchini regular and diet, radish tomato and onion salad.
Get A Jump Start on Your Taxes and Buy Yourself A Tie for Getting an Early Start
Amazon has a great sale with the lowest price around on TurboTax Deluxe Federal + E-File + State 2012 for only $39.83. When you purchase this version, you also qualify for special savings on Quicken 2013. Use promo code BTTG3OSE to save $30 on Quicken Starter Edition 2013, making price less than $10 or use promo code BTTG35QK to save $35 on Quicken Deluxe 2013 making the price around $20. Also, there are many free options to do your taxes if they are simple (no mortgage, property, investments, or similar) like the one offered from TurboTax Online for free.
Kashrus Alert – Aldi Simply Nature Salads
Please be advised that there is currently packaged, fresh organic spinach and spring mix being sold at Aldi stores with the brand name Simply Nature bearing Star-K. This product is NOT certified by Star-K and must be checked prior to use.
Corrective action is being taken.
Cleveland Welcomes the Spinka Rebbe
The Spinka Rebbe, Horav Naphtali Weiss, shlita will be visiting our community this week. Unlike previous visits, he will not be staying over for Shabbos. The Rebbe will be here just Tuesday Jan. 22 and Wednesday Jan. 23. He will be staying at the home of Mendy and Ita Klein, 23453 Timberlane Drive, in Beachwood. If you would like to make an appointment to meet with him, or just to receive a bracha, please contact his personal Gabbai, Rabbi Silver at 917-567-6294.
Beachwood House for Sale
Buckhurst Drive in Beachwood. Mid-century modern split-Level. 4- Bedroom, 3 Full-Baths, 2-1/2 Baths. Finished basement with office. Spacious full guest suite with kitchen. One acre corner lot. $330,000. Call 216-454-0110.
Which Kriah CD Should You Buy?
Are you trying to choose a good kriah (Hebrew reading) CD for your kids, but you’re confused about which to buy? It can be hard to find detailed information about what each CD offers. Since our family recently bought a new kriah CD, we thought we’d share our experiences with the two that we own. Hopefully this review will help other families choose which one is best for their family.
Kriyah Coach is a new CD that was created as a way to raise money for tzedakah. It assumes that kids already know the alef-beis; there’s a quick alef-beis review you can click on, with video footage of a rebbe and his class pointing to the osios and reviewing them, but that’s all that’s offered for alef-beis. The CD’s focus is on learning the nekudah sounds and learning to blend. For each nekudah, there’s a 3-step approach: first, a computer-animated scene with characters introducing the nekudah; second, video footage of Rabbi Henoch Potash teaching that nekudah to his class; and third, a brief exercise for the child to practice with.
The pronunciation used is mainstream yeshivish.
Overall, Kriyah Coach is cute–the little boys in Rabbi Potash’s class are adorable, and the animated characters interest kids–but it doesn’t offer a lot of practice.
Shovavim Shiur for Women at Kehillas Bnai Torah
Tuesday night at 8pm Kehillas Bnai Torah will be holding the first women’s Shovavim Shiur on Shalom Bayis and Halacha given by Mrs. Deena Davidovich. The Shiur will take place in the Shul Shiur room at 4471 Churchill. Please use the 2nd door on the left side of the house.
Segulah of Parshas HaMan for Tuesday
The Yerushalmi teaches that one who recites Parshas Hamon every day is assured that his food will not be lacking. Reb Mendel M’Riminov said that saying Parshas Hamon (Shenayim Mikroh V’Echod Targum) on the Tuesday of Parshas B’Shalach, is a Segulah for Parnasah, and indeed this has become a well accepted custom in many circles. Also have in mind as well all of Klal Yisroel, many of whom are suffering terribly with a lack of parnassah. Chazal teach that one who prays for someone else in need, for the same thing that they need, the one praying for their friend will be answered first!
Click HERE for the complete text of Parshas Haman with the targum, or click HERE for Artscroll’s interlinear translation of the mikroh only.
South Euclid To Return To Issuing Parking Tickets January 23rd, 2013
New Parking Violations Bureau Decriminalizes Parking Infractions and provides Hearing Examiner to oversee appeals process.
In accordance with City Council’s approval of the establishment of a new Parking Violations Bureau and hiring of a Hearing Examiner, the City of South Euclid Police Department will begin the re-issuance of Parking Tickets on Wednesday, January 23, 2013 at midnight.
The Police Department suspended the issuance of parking tickets in May 2012 pending City Council’s determination of a new procedure for paying fines and challenging parking tickets. On September 10, 2012 South Euclid City Council approved legislation creating a Parking Violations Bureau, decriminalizing parking tickets and making infractions civil offenses.
Hilchos Taharas Hamishpacha with Mrs. Rivka Levitansky
Tu B’Shevat Tray At Blum’s
Recall on Honda Odysseys and Pilots 2011-13
(AutoMedia, Honda)
Honda has issued a voluntary recall for 2009-2013 model-year Pilots and 2011-2013 model-year Odysseys, on account of a possible driver-side airbag defect.
More than 748,000 vehicles are subject to the possibility of an improperly installed airbag, that could be missing a few crucial rivets that secure the airbag’s plastic cover. As a result, airbags might deploy improperly and do more harm than good should an accident occur.
Additional 20% Off Baby Items at Amazon Mom Appreciation Event
Use Amazon Mom-exclusive promo code BABY2013 and get 20% off on thousands of eligible baby products in select colors and styles, for up to $100 in total savings. Qualifying Amazon Mom members can use this code on these eligible items from 1/18/13 until 2/1/13.
If you join Amazon Mom or Prime after this promotion has started on 1/18/13, you will need to wait 24 hours for the promo code to become active. (Also, discount does not apply to products sold by third-party merchants and other sellers through the site.)
This deal might be most helpful to those in the market for higher-end brands like a new stroller (Britax, Baby Jogger, UPPAbaby) or car seats (Britax, Chico).
Help to Make a Shidduch
Batya’s Gourmet is Now Available at Unger’s, Boris’s Meats, and Other Fine Retailers
All of our products are under the supervision of Cleveland kosher and are produced fresh in Cleveland’s only pareve commercial kitchen.
Currently available are 13 different types of dips including:
Tomato, olive, spinach, charif, creamy tomato onion, baba ganuch, techina, garlic basil, dill, garlic, scallion, jalapeno , and chrainaise.
We also currently have available the following types of kugels:
Authentic yerushalmi, mock yerushalmi, apple, blueberry, spinach, spinach Mushroom.
Also available by special order:
Pareve cholent, tuna salad, egg salad, arbis/ chickpeas, sweet potato salad, peanut butter noodles, soy sesame noodles,
oregano garlic noodles, round roasted potatoes, rice with mushrooms and onions available in both brown and regular,cabbage and noodles, real mashed potatoes and onions, sweet and sour zucchini regular and diet, radish tomato and onion salad.
Letter from a Reader: CJN Helps Missionaries Advertise and Proselytize Jews from our Community
(Ed: The following is a letter written by Channah Appel to the Cleveland Jewish News in response to their acceptance of a paid ad for a “Messianic J_” movie appearing on p. 10 in their January 18th, 2013 issue. The identity of the publisher was not unknown and even the ad copy uses the terminology “Messianic Jew.” Visiting the website referenced in the ad makes the purpose of this event even clearer – to proselytize Jews. Please read this letter which has been submitted already and write your own to the CJN to protest their decision. Contact Managing Editor Bob Jacob: or 216-342-5207. A scan of this ad appears at the end of this letter)
“I understand that newspapers in general are going through a rough time. Internet is the more popular mode for reading and keeping up with the news. This does not mean that any person with money should be allowed to advertise in the paper. What was the advertising staff thinking when they took the ad for the “Jews for Jesus” group (clothed with the words “Messianic Judaism”- I mean who would you want to guess they think is the Messiah anyway?)
N’shei Musical Comedy – Save the Date
The much anticipated Bi-annual Nshei Agudath Israel Musical Comedy will iy”H take place on Sunday, February 17th at the Hebrew Academy of Cleveland, Taylor Road Campus. Please watch for further details.
Rav Noah’s Gifts
( (Ed: This is a very touching memoir of the love between a rebbe and his student, as well as the a reminder of how much being Jewish transforms what we are living for.)
Has it really been four years since the passing of my beloved rebbe? My guide, my mentor, my role model… my hero?
Hardly a day passes that I don’t crave Rav Noah’s wise advice; his kind and caring input into my life. The knee jerk reaction of reaching for the phone is long gone, but the desire and the yearning for contact remain. Where can I go with my difficult questions? Where is the voice of sanity in a generation so confused and distracted? When I’m feeling lost, who can shine a light and point me in the direction of my own wisdom again?
Cleveland Heights City Councilman Jason Stein requests new study on combining fire services with Shaker Heights, University Heights
Cleveland Heights City Councilman Jason Stein has requested his city be included in a new cooperative study that would consider combining its fire services with Shaker Heights and University Heights.
At the City Council meeting Jan. 7, Stein said he was encouraged when Shaker Heights and University Heights announced in 2011 they were entering into a study that proposed consolidating those two cities’ fire services.
“But I quickly became disheartened, as Cleveland Heights was not asked to join,” he said.
Let Creative Chocolates Enhance Your Tu B’Shvat on Shabbos Shirah
How about dried fruits for Tu B’Shvat dipped in delicious chocolate. We can dip apricots, dates, raisins, craisins, nuts or anything you desire, even boksur. What a beautiful tray for your family or as a gift! Just call 216-321-1131 and ask for your favorite dried fruits dipped into luscious chocolate and beautifully packaged.
How to Solve Parenting’s Six Most Demanding Dilemmas
A Shabbat With Dr. Yael Ziegler
Peri Eli Winter Sale Continues
Beth dins play integral role in settling disputes
After members of Oheb Zedek-Taylor Road Synagogue sued three of their own board members and the board of trustees at Oheb Zedek-Cedar Sinai Synagogue in November 2012, one of Cleveland’s beth din became involved.
A beth din is a court of Jewish religious law organized by a community with a sufficient number of Jews and a sufficient number of disputes to settle. The size of the community doesn’t matter. What does is that it determines there is a sufficient number of disputes to settle.