Magazine Gemach
Thank you to all those in the community who continue to support the magazine gemach. As the magazines are being distributed on a pretty consistent basis, we ask that from now on, only magazines from January 2015 and later be dropped off. Also, having a steady stream of more recent issues is preferable than a large drop off spanning several months of magazines, and of course good condition is always appreciated. Thanks again to all for your generosity and for making this effort.
So how does the magazine gemach work?
Between a Rock and a Hard Place – By Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff
This week’s reading is either Acharei Mos/Kedoshim or Emor depending on whether you are in Chutz La’aretz or in Eretz Yisrael. Either way, Kohanim figure significantly in the parsha – thus…
Between a Rock and a Hard Place
By Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff
Question #1: May a Mechalel Shabbos Duchen?
“The only kohen in our shul operates his business on Shabbos. Until recently, he had never duchened, and the rav was comfortable with that. Recently, the shul’schazzan encouraged the kohen to duchen, and he began doing so. Should we stop him?”
Drive Home the Savings – Lee Bachman, State Farm
Green & Clean – $99.99 Carpet Cleaning for Any 5 Rooms! Now Cleaning Tile, Grout, Furniture, and More
Gesher – Summer Sprinkling Program – Applications Due April 30th
Walking in the Ways of Hashem – Rebbetzin Holly Pavlov
Help Wanted: Elementary School Teachers
Private Eastside School seeks dynamic, innovative, licensed and certified elementary school teachers for part-time afternoon positions for 2015-2016 school year. Email resume: Attn: Principal, General Studies.
(LocalJewishNews continues to try to do its part to assist community members to find employment by offering free help wanted ads to community businesses and organizations. So if you have a position to fill, let us know at Check out other job offerings in our New Classifieds Section)
The BEST Night Camp for Teens
In wake of rioting in Baltimore, Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson tells leaders that city is ready for ‘upcoming developments’
(Plain Dealer)
Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson said the city is prepared to handle reaction to the conclusion of the trial of Cleveland police officer Michael Brelo, who’s been charged with voluntary manslaughter in connection with the 2012 police chase and fatal shooting of Timothy Russell and Malissa Williams.
Brelo’s trial is expected to wrap up this week.
University Heights Home for Sale – 2620 Rubyvale
Vote Online for the World Zionist Congress
Morah Esti’s Playgroup
Beachwood – University Heights Community Kollel Building Campaign
The Kollel has received permission from the University Heights City Council to build a Torah home. Yad Hashem was clearly evident, as four major variances were overcome to reach this milestone. With architectural plans at an advanced stage and preliminary groundwork in motion, the target date to begin construction is the end of June 2015.
Help Wanted: Infant Caregivers
Yabi Nursery and Child Care is looking for full and part time infant caregivers. Ideal candidate should be responsible, experienced, nurturing and a team player. Wonderful opportunity to join a professional staff and afford quality care in a licensed child care program. Call 216-932-7664 and send resume
(LocalJewishNews continues to try to do its part to assist community members to find employment by offering free help wanted ads to community businesses and organizations. So if you have a position to fill, let us know at Check out other job offerings in our New Classifieds Section)
Campucciono – For Girls Entering 3th & 4th Grade
Lag B’Omer With Young Israel of Greater Cleveland – BBQ and S’Mores
Kamp Krafts
HAC Snack Sale – Deadline Tomorrow!
Help Wanted: Early Childhood Lead and Support Teachers at Agnon
The Agnon School – A community Jewish Day School in Beachwood, Ohio, is growing and accepting applications for Early Childhood Lead and Support Teachers for the 2015-2016 school year.
Dan is Doing Deck Painting
It’s Dan from Heights Jewish Center. This year I am providing a deck painting service to the community. Have you put off painting your deck? Is it in need of a face lift? Please call me for a free estimate. You provide the paint and I’ll provide the labor. It’s time to start enjoying your deck. Call me @ 216-324-7958.