Avi Oved – 216 – 280 – 2757 : anytime5886@gmail.com : www.anytimegaragedoorllc.com
Help Wanted: Working Mashgiach at Indians Kosher Stand
Working mashgiach needed for kosher stand at the Cleveland Indians Stadium for the duration of the upcoming season. The season runs from April 12 through October 1. Applicant will be responsible for the kashrus and inventory of the stand. Applicants must be Shomer Shabbos and have a clean background check. To apply and for further information, please contact info@clevelandkosher.org or 440 347-0264.
(LocalJewishNews continues to try to do its part to assist community members to find employment by offering free help wanted ads to community businesses and organizations. So if you have a position to fill, let us know. Check out other job offerings in our New Classifieds Section)
A-Z Plumbing Is Currently Hiring
ShainDee Cosmetics – Shabbos & Yom Tov Makeup
The Cleveland Gemach Seeking Donations
The Cleveland Gemach is very much in need of the following items for donation: baby furniture, baby toys, and formula. See our flier for contact information and to learn about our many services.
Want to learn about your health and SAVE? || Restoring Your Family’s Health: Health and Nutrition Education Classes
Great New FREE Craftsy eBook Crafts How-to’s – Photography, Cake Decorating, Crafts, Drawing, and more
In the past we have promoted of the great DIY stuff available FREE from Craftsy.com in video format, but many have said that they prefer a format that they can take slower, print out, and also to be available on computers without internet access. So now they are offering a new format, eGuides, downloadable book-style craft guides. Check these FREE downloads out:
eGuide: Understanding Exposure for Better Photos Now: Beginner Photography Tutorials
Cake Decorating
eGuide: Not-So-Basic Cake Decorating Ideas
Food & Cooking
eGuide: Delicious Doughnut Recipes You Can Make at Home
Paper Crafts
eGuide: 6+ Stash-Busting Paper Craft Projects
Chef Daves Catering Restaurant Nights – 2-22 – 2-25
The next set of Restaurant Nights is scheduled for next week, Sunday 2/22 – Wednesday 2/25 from 5 – 7:30. This will be the last set until after Pesach.
Our next set of Restaurant Nights is scheduled for next week, Sunday 2/1 – Wednesday 2/4 from 5 – 7:30.
The menu is inspired by Tu B’Shvat which is also next week.
(216) 370-7367 x2
Girls Only Sunday Funday Social Skills Group by Advanced Therapy Solutions
Atideinu, a new, local, not-for-profit organization, is an after-school program for children in Grades 4-6. Our goal is to instill in children a strong sense of self-worth and a love of Yiddishkeit. Although the program includes some individual academic assistance, the emphasis is on group social and creative activities. It is designed to allow children tobecome the very best they can be, and to appreciate the beauty and joy of a Torah lifestyle. Although the program ends officially for the children after Grade 6, a mentoring program will continue to give them support and encouragement at least through Grades 7 and 8.
Mishloach Monos at Blum’s Boxed and Ready for Pick up!
The Mile Market – For All of Your Vacation Travel and Mileage Needs
Dan “No Job Is Too Small” Kirkler
Dan (Kirkler) will do the little jobs that nobody else wants to because they are too much of a “pain:” plumbing, electrical, general handyman work, clean-up, and more! The whole idea is that if you are tired of waiting for someone to respond to your call! If no one ever comes because the job is just “not worth it.” Give Dan a call – no job is too small!
Please call Dan at 216-324-7958. (Many community members know me from my Pesach car cleaning services and janitorial work at Heights Jewish Center).
Special Hand-Made Shemurah Matzah Baked By Harav Blum Shlita of Cleveland Hts
Order hand-made round Shemurah (Chaburah) Matzah baked primarily in the Pupa / Tzailem Matzah bakery in New York.
These Matzos are baked for the Cleveland community by our very own HaRav Blum Shlita of Khal Yereim Shul in Cleveland Hts.
This thin and delicious Shemurah Matzah is baked fresh shortly before Pesach and is available at a greatly discounted price for our community only!
Dignity by Design Performing Arts Club Presents The MIDDOS MAVEN
From our herbal closet to yours …
Creative Chocolates – Purim is Only a Few Weeks Away!
N’shei Agudas Yisroel Purim Cards
Looking to Rent Room or Space in Cleveland Heights
Frum man looks to rent space in an apartment, basement or attic in Cleveland Heights. Well known to many in the neighborhood and tons of good references available. Having a roommate to defray costs is a strong possibility.Please contact info@LocalJewishNews.com.
Wednesday Yom Kippur Katan – Chodesh Adar
WEDNESDAY–FOR WOMEN AND GIRLS! Tehillim for Erev Rosh Chodesh Adar and Chizuk over the Phone. Divrei Chizuk by Rabbi Akiva Zweig, Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshiva Bais Moshe Chaim, Miami Beach. Time: 1:15PM (NY time). Call-in number: 1-212-990-8000, Access code: 3067 # (pound). After the Divrei Chizuk, the following Perakim will be recited: #20, 46, 83, 121, 130, 142 and 100.
Cloud 9 Winter Sweater Clearance 20-30% Off
Mosdos Ohr HaTorah Mishloach Manos in 3 Easy Steps
Click here for the order form >>
Big Artscroll Sale – 30% Off Talmud and Mishnah
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes
Hebrew Academy to honor Moermans, Weiszes
(Cleveland Jewish News)
Two local couples will be honored during the Hebrew Academy of Cleveland’s 72nd annual scholarship tribute dinner on Feb. 22.
The dinner, which begins at 6 p.m., celebrates the culmination of the school’s annual scholarship campaign. This year’s campaign goal is $2,072,000, said Rabbi Simcha Dessler, the educational director of the Hebrew Academy of Cleveland.
Swimming Lessons For Girls!!
Swimming Lessons for Girls! $44 for 6 week session. Ages 3-11 years old. Small groups. Click Here for Application Form >>
B’Seder 3! – Cedar Green Community Kollel’s Pre-Pesach Mail-in Chinese Auction – Watch your mail for the booklets!
Jewish Scholars Program Returns Tuesday!
You can stop asking… this Tuesday we’re back! 7:45-9pm at Siegel College, join dozens of teens to grab some food, have fun and take part in a monumental learning opportunity! All HS Jewish teens invited.