Tambourine Ma’am Doula Services
Cleveland Heights-University Heights Schools looks to move trade workers to old Millikin School; playground could be coming
As heavy snow fell outside, 10 residents made sure to attend a Wednesday evening meeting in which they were given an update on the school district’s plans for their neighborhood Millikin School building.
A month after a contract to sell the building to local private school Mosdos Ohr Hatorah was terminated, Cleveland Heights-University Heights School District Director of Business Services Stephen Shergalis addressed those gathered in the Millikin building
68th Annual Meeting of the Community Relations Committee Welcomes Abe Foxman National Director of the Anti-Defamation League to speak; public is invited
Abe Foxman, National Director of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), joins the Jewish Federation of Cleveland for one of his final professional speaking engagements at the 68th Annual Meeting of the Community Relations Committee (CRC) and Sidney Z. Vincent Memorial Lecture. All are welcome to attend the event on Tuesday, February 17 at 7:00 p.m. at Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple’s Brickner Auditorium, 23737 Fairmount Blvd, Beachwood. (Ed: Please consult with your Rav about attending in this venue.)
Office and Store Space for Rent in University Heights and South Euclid
Office for Rent in South Euclid on Mayfield Road for rent. Approximately 520 sq ft., one with its own bathroom, heat included well maintained building.
Friends of Heights Libraries Book Sale
FRIENDS First Friday Book Sale (February 8th, 2015) at the Harvey & FRIENDS Bookshop at the Lee Rd. Library 2nd Floor. Fill a bag with ALL Books (EXCEPT Special Books, Sets, and Books in the Glass Case) from the store for $4.
Z.N. Singer – Balloon Twister
Tu B’Shvat Carnival this Sunday!
This Sunday, February 8, 2015, Cleveland NCSY will host a Tu B’shvat Carnival at Green Road Synagogue from 3:00-6:00 pm. The carnival will include games, arts and crafts and prizes! This community event is open to all ages and rolls of 20 game tickets will be sold for five dollars with food sold separately.
Pirchei Agudath Israel Shabbos Yisro and Motzei Shabbos
Something important to think about with all of this snow
(From a community member)
Our kids are too precious and important for us not to teach them the proper rules for walking in the street when they can’t use the sidewalks. I have seen way too many kids walking with the cars on their way to school and that is just asking for (Chas V’Shalom) an accident.
When walking in the street we should walk against the traffic so that we can see what is coming and not just depend on our hat, ear muffed, and scarves ears to tell us what is coming behind us. It is also Ohio law. PLEASE go over these rules with your kids and more importantly model it when you are with them whether it is walking them to school or walking on Shabbos. They deserve to be taught.
N’shei Agudas Yisroel Presents Rebbetzin Dena Leah Rappaport
N’shei Agudas Yisroel Presents Rebbetzin Dena Leah Rappaport “Bringing Geula Through Hidden Power of Shevat and Discovering Our Hidden Tzaddik”. Motzoei Shabbos Yisro, February 7th at 9 pm at the home of Susan Efroymson, 3825 Severn Rd, Cleveland Heights, 216-297-1388.
Cleveland Jewish Orthodox Cub Scouts Outing Next Sunday
Cleveland Jewish Orthodox Cub Scouts: Our first event is this Sunday, February 8, 2015 at 3:15PM at the Shaker Lakes Nature Center. Our Scouts will be taking a 30-minute hike while learning Wilderness Survival Skills, including how to find water and make it potable, how to prep a fire area, how to build shelter, and other skills. Hot chocolate (both Cholov Yisroel and Pareve will be available) and a short Pack meeting will follow the hike. The cost for the program is $5 per person. Siblings are welcome, space permitting. Scouts in 1st –3rd grade, are required to be chaperoned by a parent on the hike. Boots and gloves/mittens are required; snow pants and drinking water are highly recommended. Please RSVPto marketintel@earthlink.net
Beachwood – House for Rent
Purim Costume Gemach
ANYTIME Garage Door & Locksmith
Special Hand-Made Shemurah Matzah Baked By Harav Blum Shlita of Cleveland Hts
Order hand-made round Shemurah (Chaburah) Matzah baked primarily in the Pupa / Tzailem Matzah bakery in New York.
These Matzos are baked for the Cleveland community by our very own HaRav Blum Shlita of Khal Yereim Shul in Cleveland Hts.
This thin and delicious Shemurah Matzah is baked fresh shortly before Pesach and is available at a greatly discounted price for our community only!
Some Tu B’Shvat Pointers
We provide the following point and pointers relating to Tu B’Shevat (Wednesday), and its various customs:
- In honor of Tu B’Shevat, we provide a link http://tinyurl.com/27omq2 to a moving Tefillah from the Ben Ish Chai to be recited for your Esrog this Sukkos (courtesy of Mesivta Yochanan Shraga of Monsey). Before reciting the Tefillah remember how important the role of Tefillah is in actually accomplishing what one sets out to do.
- The G’ra (Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 131:6) writes that all four Rosh Hashanas that are written in the beginning of Meseches Rosh Hashana are all Yomim Tovim.
- It is the custom to eat fruits from trees on the Rosh Hashana LeIlanos (ibid, Mishna Berurah seif katan 31).This is the case even though it is on Shavuos that we are judged on fruits of the tree. The author of the Luach Bnei Yaakov suggests that perhaps we eat fruits on Tu B’Shevat because man is compared in the Torah to an “Eitz HaSadeh”–and the fruit that he consumes on Tu B’Shevat is to remind him of his own fruits–what are his deeds like, is he producing beautiful fruits…? After all, it is four and a half months since Rosh Hashana–and we will not experience the great spiritual resurgence of Pesach for an additional three months. Accordingly, it is a time to remind ourselves of our own personal fruits, and further nurture them–to ensure that they are worthy of Bracha.
Rentals of Distinction – Brand New Jerusalem Listing
Dan “No Job Is Too Small” Kirkler
Dan (Kirkler) will do the little jobs that nobody else wants to because they are too much of a “pain:” plumbing, electrical, general handyman work, clean-up, and more! The whole idea is that if you are tired of waiting for someone to respond to your call! If no one ever comes because the job is just “not worth it.” Give Dan a call – no job is too small!
Please call Dan at 216-324-7958. (Many community members know me from my Pesach car cleaning services and janitorial work at Heights Jewish Center).
Girls Only Sunday Funday Social Skills Group by Advanced Therapy Solutions
A+ Solutions Presents – Why Do Our Children Worry So Much?
YIGC Presents Trivia Night
Various Dynamic & Stimulating Office Positions in Lakewood Healthcare Business
Confused about the Beachwood term limits charter amendment? What to know before you vote
(Cleveland.com)(Sorry LJN missed an earlier update on this important special election for Beachwood residents.)
Voters will decide whether to limit the mayor and City Council members to three terms during a Feb. 3 special election.
Here’s what you should know before you cast your ballot.
What is the charter amendment?
The city charter states the mayor and City Council members “shall serve until their successors are elected.” If a majority of voters approve, a clause will be added to limit them to three consecutive terms in office.
Ladies’ Shiur – Uncovering the Secrets of Tu B’Shevat by Rebbetzin Dena Leah Rappaport
Wednesday, February 4, 11:05 am in the home of Shoshana Vitebskiy, 3694 Bendemeer Rd, Cleveland Heights, 216-320-0066.
Yoga & Yoga Sculpt Classes for Ladies
Green & Clean Carpet Cleaning Service – Picture Gallery
Green & Clean is proud to serve the Cleveland Orthodox community as a Shomer Shabbos full-service carpet cleaning company.
A picture is worth a 1000 words so I wanted to share with you examples of the huge difference that a professional carpet cleaner can really make! Please continue reading to view some picture examples of the dramatic changes that I see every day in my customer’s homes.
Kashrus Alert: Nature’s Own Bread and WonderBread
(Cleveland Kosher)
Not all Nature’s Own Bread and WonderBread varieties are certified by the Orthodox Union. Those products that have been certified by the Orthodox Union soon will no longer be available in the Cleveland area. As always, consumers are urged to check for the OU symbol prior to purchasing products.