Building Blocks Therapy Looking to Hire ABA Therapists
Wig Blowout – Overstock Sale – Tamar Koval
Creative Chocolates – Now Under Cleveland Kosher
Team Izzy Comes to Cleveland
This past week Cleveland hosted a special young boy who happens to very ill together with his loving family. Thanks to so many in the community who bonded with this family, offering them chizuk and financial support, and in turn the Cleveland community receiving some much more chizuk and joy.
The family of little Izzy would like to share with other Clevelanders his story. Below appears a few items: a review of his current condition, past history and the family’s story, links to a blog with frequent updates, as well many media articles and videos about Izzy. Also do not miss a post about Izzy’s trip to Cleveland and the love that he brought with him to Ohio facilitated by the Krainess family.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes
We regret to inform you of the passing of Stanley Corbett, father of Gedaliah Corbett. The funeral was held Monday in Toronto, where Gedaliah will be sitting Shiva untill Wednesday, when he will return to Cleveland.
Shiva Minyonim will be at 4113 Wyncote Rd – South Euclid:
Wednesday Mincha @ 4:45, followed by Ma’ariv
Thursday Shachris @ 8:00.
Mincha / Ma’ariv 4:45
Friday Shachris @7:00
Visiting until 2:00P.M. then again Motzie Shabbos
Sunday Shachris 8:00
The Marriage Workshop
Bnos Sunday Fun-Day
Agudath Israel Off Day Yom Iyun – January 1st, 2015 – Asarah B’Teves
Simcha’s Winter Sale
A+ Solutions Presents Understanding Sensory Processing in Young Children
JMed Connect Next Meeting January 6th – Round Robin Networking Challenge & Dr. Nosson Goldfarb
JMedConnect is Cleveland’s Jewish Medical Professional Networking Group! Our goal is to help each other share what we do best and maximize exposure within our own community and outside. There are no fees, no catches, just people helping each other out.
We are excited to announce that our host for our next meeting on January 6, 2015 at 7:30pm meeting will be Montefiore at 1 David Myers Parkway in Beachwood. The session will have a brief address from Nosson Goldfarb, M.D. Dr. Goldfarb uses an integrative approach towards his practice of medicine. He combines mainstream medical therapies with complementary and alternative medical therapies.
Directly following will be the main event, our First “Round Robin” – “Speed Dating” networking challenge. We will go around in a circle and facilitate each attendee meeting every other attendee in an organized fashion.
Attend this meeting with lots of business cards and enter our Raffle for a surprise gift. Also, contribute to our Split the Pot. All proceeds will go directly to Montefiore for hosting our event.
To register for Januarys meeting please email Shloimy Heifetz at or Roger Kozuch at
Parenting Focused Book Club – A+ Solutions
No Bnos in UH, Yes Bnos in CH This Shabbos
There will be no Bnos is University Heights this week due to the Yavne Shabbaton. However, there WILL be Bnos in Cleveland Heights
Building Blocks Therapy Looking to Hire ABA Therapists
Beltone – Free Hearing Tests and Product Demonstrations – Hershel Fantl
Appeal On Behalf of Community Member
(Appeal submitted from community member)
Dear Friends,
A member of our community recently lost his job. He is a Telzer talmid who I know for about 40 years. He is a single parent of 3 sons. He is very “oisek b’tzarchei tzibur.” Any contribution you make is greatly appreciated.
Please make checks payable to R. Boruch Hirschfeld [memo: Attn.: Appeal]. (Ed: Checks can be mailed directly to Rabbi Boruch Hirschfeld at 3699 Shannon Rd., Cleveland Heights, OH 44118).
May Hashem bless you with all that is good and sweet.
Boruch Hirschfeld
A+ Solutions Presents – Why Do Our Children Worry So Much?
Washing Hands in the Mornings – Late Times for Neitz
These days HaNeitz Hachama (sunrise) in Cleveland is very late, 7:52am (as late as 8am in other Midwest cities). This would mean that Alos Hashachar (dawn) which is generally taken to mean 72 minutes before Neitz, is approximately 6:40AM. The Shulchan Aruch (Orach Chaim 4:14) writes that if one washed Netilas Yadayim before Alos Hashachar one may have to wash Netilas Yadayim again after Alos Hashachar because some say that the ruach ra’ah returns at Alos Hashachar. Accordingly, the Rema (ibid) writes that one should wash his hands again after Alos Hashachar without a bracha. Those who arise before Alos Hashachar should wash their hands again.
Green & Clean Carpet Cleaning Service – Picture Gallery
Green & Clean is proud to serve the Cleveland Orthodox community as a Shomer Shabbos full-service carpet cleaning company.
A picture is worth a 1000 words so I wanted to share with you examples of the huge difference that a professional carpet cleaner can really make! Please continue reading to view some picture examples of the dramatic changes that I see every day in my customer’s homes.
Building Blocks Therapy Looking to Hire ABA Therapists
Memories of Izzy Lefkowitz, z”l
Mail – Grossman, 115 McNamara, Spring Valley, NY 10977
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes
We regret to inform you of the passing of Stanley Corbett, father of Gedaliah Corbett. The funeral was held Monday in Toronto, where Gedaliah will be sitting Shiva untill Wednesday, when he will return to Cleveland. Shiva details and davening times will follow.
Daily Inspiration with Rabbi Yechiel Spero
Start your day with a short inspirational audio by Rabbi Yechiel Spero, Shlita. By phone, call: 712.432.1219, Meeting ID: 875-753-968# , Reference #: 136. To subscribe by email, send an email
Help Wanted: Teacher at Torah Nursery
A teacher position is available at Torah Nursery. For more information, please contact Chemda Jacobs @ 216.381.3900 / 216.321.6937or e-mail to
(LocalJewishNews continues to try to do its part to assist community members to find employment by offering free help wanted ads to community businesses and organizations. So if you have a position to fill, let us know at Check out other job offerings in our New Classifieds Section)
Simchas Alta Vita Hachnosas Kallah Evening Reception
Simchas Alta Vita: Restoring Joy, Upholding Dignity
Still enveloped in the halo of her vort just two weeks before, Hadassah hummed to herself as she walked to her room, visions of lacy gowns and cascading flowers swirling in her mind.
Suddenly, she heard her father’s voice.
“I just don’t know how we are going to pull this off,” he was saying to her mother. “We’re maxxed out as it is. I can barely scrape together a down payment for the caterer – never mind sheitels and appliances!” (Learn more … ) [Read more…]