Parents need to purchase the books before hand.
Here are the links:
How We Stay Connected – Kehillas Bnai Torah Women’s Panel
Dignity by Design – A Performing Arts Club
Beltone – Free Hearing Tests and Product Demonstrations – Hershel Fantl
Help Wanted: Caregiver
Looking for a caregiver from 7:30 – 9:30am to assist an elderly gentleman at Menorah Park with morning services. Please call 216-338-7537.
Beachwood Home for Rent – 2585 Larchmont Drive
FREE VIDEO Course – Online Creative Ways With Whole Grains
- Craftsy is a on-line university offering professional instruction in a wide variety of topics from cooking to photography to sewing and much more. Our posting from a few weeks ago about the free family photography online video class was so popular as well as the FREE Online Kitchen Knife Skills Class: Learn to Chop, Dice, Mince & Slice Like a Pro + Decorative Shortcuts class.
You simply sign up for Craftsy, add the class to your account, and can watch it whenever you want. No need for a credit card or awkward signup or anything funny with your email. Here is a link for a listing of their other free video classes in things like crocheting, sewing, cake making, and other areas.
Huge Chanukah Sale – Accessories by Deena – MONDAY ONLY
Last Minute Chanukah Shopping – Made Easy at Blum’s
Rabbi Burnstein Hilchos Kashrus for Women
AISH Chayil Shabbaton for Women – From Ordinary to Extraordinary
Chanukah Party at Mika’s
Klatzko Brothers Trip to Poland
Annual Chanukah Shopping at CB’s Tichel Shuk Going on Now!
Tip Tap Toe – Huge Blowout Sale – All Winter Shoes 30% OFF
Grand Chanukah Menorah Lighting at Public Square
Save the Date – Rubi Wigs Are Coming to Town!
Chef Dave’s All You Can Eat Chanukah Buffet Dinner – LAST DAY TO SAVE 25%
Dignity by Design – A Performing Arts Club
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes
The Levaya of HaRav Eliezer Levi Zt”l, long time Rosh Mechina of Telshe and Rebbe to thousands of talmidim took place today in Detroit and Cleveland.
The levaya in New York will take place on Monday, December 15th, at 1:30 pm at the Telshe Alumni Bais Hamedrash, 5218 16th Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11204
The levaya in Eretz Yisrael will take place on Tuesday December 16th, at 2:00 pm at the Bais Halvayos Shamgar in Yerushalayim on its way to Kevurah on Har Hazeisim
(The Eretz Yisrael levaya schedule may be updated so please look for further updates)
Yehi Zichro Baruch
Shalom Bayis Tele-conference Shiurim Directed By Rabbi Heinemann
P’sakim of HaRav Shmuel Kamenetsky, Shlita on Hilchos Chanukah
We provide the following p’sakim of HaRav Shmuel Kamenetsky, Shlita, as excerpted from the Sefer Koveitz Halachos by Rabbi Doniel Kleinman, Shlita. As with all Halacha, one should ask his own Rav or Posek for a definitive ruling in his particular case or situation:
1. Although one may not use a combination of oil and candles for his Neiros, one may use different oils on any given night, because they are considered similar enough to each other.
2. One need not use the candle that was used as the candle to light the Neiros Chanukah as his Shamash.
3. Even if the glass cups which are inserted into a Menorah cannot stand on their own because of the narrow piece of glass that fits snugly into the Menorah, one can consider the cup to still be a Kli–for it is specifically manufactured to be used in this way.
Lesson in Bitachon Just in Time for Chanukah – The Festival of Faith
(Hakhel) HaRav Salomon provides a beautiful teaching of HaRav Chaim Volozhiner, Z’tl (in Sefer Ruach Chaim to Avos 2:4). There, HaRav Chaim brings the famous Kepital in Tehillim (23)–”Hashem Ro’i Lo Echsar–Hashem is my shepherd–I will lack nothing.” Dovid HaMelech compares himself to a sheep whose whole existence depends on the shepherd. He leads them in a way that they won’t be injured–all is for their benefit even if they have no understanding.