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YIGC Music Night Featuring 6 Days Til Shabbos
Susan’s EXTENDED Suggestions for the Election of November 4, 2014
(EXTENDED VERSION)(Short Version Available Here >>)
As always, I offer these suggestions because of the importance of casting an informed vote. For our community to count, our votes must be countable, and we have a responsibility to our greater community and a mitzvah to show up and vote. Local elections in many ways effect our daily living in an up close and personal way and are therefore just as important if not more so than national ones.
By popular demand, in order to make printing easier, this guide consists of two sections: The Quick Voting version followed by the Expanded Explanations. I’ve noted certain sections you will want to check because there is no room for even minor explanation on the cover page.
However you choose to vote, please make a point of doing so.
Only Seven Months Until Summer! Find Your Perfect Jewish Overnight Camp Experience at “Not Your Typical Camp Fair” on November 9
(Jewish Federation)(Ed: Features both Orthodox and non-Orthodox camps)
Families are invited to the “Not Your Typical Camp Fair” on Sunday, November 9, offering prospective campers and their parents the opportunity to learn about a variety of Jewish overnight camps, meet the camp directors, and talk with other camp families. The Camp Fair takes place from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at WhirlyBall Cleveland, 5055 Richmond Road, Bedford Heights. The event is sponsored by The Michael and Anita Siegal One Happy Camper Program, the Jewish Education Center of Cleveland, and the Jewish Federation of Cleveland.
26 Years of Jewish Outreach! A Community Shabbos with Rabbi Mordechai Becher
Yoga & Yoga Sculpt Classes for Ladies
TLC – Recovery Program for Compulsive Eating
You want to be a mentor? – Partners in Torah of Cleveland
KIS – Kozuch Insurance Services
Will Your Money Retire Before You Do?
Office 216-321-1422, Fax 216-321-2136,
HAC Proudly Presents Simcha Leiner & The Kol Simcha Orchestra
ANYTIME Garage Door & Locksmith
Halachic Issues For the Rainy Season
Now that we have entered the season of Mashiv HaRuach U’Morid HaGeshem, we present the following Questions and Answers relating the rainy season, as excerpted from the most recent issue of Divrei Siach, which contains the rulings of HaRav Chaim Kanievsky, Shlita, as published by Rabbi Yitzchak Goldshtoff, Shlita. Of course, one should ask his own Rav or Posek in his particular circumstance or situation for a final p’sak:
Green & Clean Carpet Cleaning Service
Green & Clean is proud to serve the Cleveland Orthodox community as a Shomer Shabbos full-service carpet cleaning company.
For readers of LJN, enjoy our newest offer: $49.99 – carpet cleaning for two rooms and a FREE hallway! Includes FREE deodorizing and sanitizer.
We use only Go Green brand non-toxic products!
Partial solar eclipse visible in Cleveland Thursday
This is a solar event you won’t want to miss because it’s the last time it will happen until 2023.
The new moon will partially block out the sun from between 5:42 p.m. and sunset at 6:30 p.m.
Susan’s Suggestions for the Election of November 4, 2014
As always, I offer these suggestions because of the importance of casting an informed vote. For our community to count, our votes must be countable, and we have a responsibility to our greater community and a mitzvah to show up and vote. Local elections in many ways effect our daily living in an up close and personal way and are therefore just as important if not more so than national ones.
By popular demand, in order to make printing easier, this guide will be available in two versions, quick voting and expanded. Today’s version is the quick one and the expanded version will follow tomorrow.
However you choose to vote, please make a point of doing so.
12th Annual Worldwide Event for the Yarzeit of Rachel Imeinu
Afternoon Babysitting in Cleveland Heights
JLC – Climbing the Rainbow Step by Step
Take the Leap … To Forming a Great Relationship With Your Teen
Help Wanted: Part-Time Medical Office In Beachwood
Office is located on Chagrin Boulevard near Richmond Road. We currently have a need for Tuesdays from about 8:30 to 5:00 pm. Other needs may arise throughout the year.
Cleveland Yachad – Poetry Experience: Every Voice Matters
Dede’s Pics Family and Children Photography
Pointers in Hilchos Rosh Chodesh
(Hakhel) In honor of Rosh Chodesh tomorrow, we provide the following points and pointers relating to Hilchos Rosh Chodesh (Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 217 et al.), as excerpted from the Dirshu edition of the Mishna Berurah:
A. One should wear better clothing than usual on Rosh Chodesh. The Yesod V’Shoresh Ha’avodah writes that one should wear at least one article of clothing which is more chashuv. The G’ra wore his Shabbos hat on Rosh Chodesh.
Notes: (A) It is a ma’aleh to have special clothing for Rosh Chodesh/Chol HaMoed, as both have more Kedusha than a regular weekday as evidenced by thefour aliyos read on that day, as well as the Korban/Tefillas Mussaf of the day. (B) Fascinatingly, the Karbanos for Musaf on Rosh Chodesh match exactly the Karbanos for the Musaf of the Yom Tov of Pesach and of Shavuos [two parim, one ayil, seven kevasim and one seir].
Help Wanted: Part-Time Medical Office In Beachwood
No experience required, will train!
Office is located on Chagrin Boulevard near Richmond Road. We currently have a need for Tuesdays from about 8:30 to 5:00 pm. Other needs may arise throughout the year.
Cloud 9 Maternity – Sale Ends November 5th
Voting Guides for the November 4th General Elections 6:30am – 7:30pm
Look for our popular voter guides early week, in particular Susan’s Suggestions, as well as any other guides submitted by community members*.
In the mean time study up the voting rules, times, etc and make sure you are registered – Board of Elections web site >>
Also use the voter’s guide to get a copy of the ballot customized to your local precinct just by plugging in your address >>
*Pending editorial review
Hebrew Storytime
Dede’s Pics Family and Children Photography
Mazel Tov!
Mazel tov on the engagement of Chaya Wilks to Shneur Kushner. Please join the Kushner and Wilks families for a l’chaim this motzai Shabbos at 9:00 p.m. at the home of Dovid and Rachelle Levine at 4499 Groveland Road in University Heights.