Rabbi Charlop 5 minute Mussar phone conference to restart August 27th, 12:55-1:00 . To dial in please call 712-432-0265– code 660081- PLEASE MUTE YOUR PHONE.
If you would like a daily text reminder please text 216-276-9212
News, Info & Resources for the Cleveland Orthodox Jewish Community
Rabbi Charlop 5 minute Mussar phone conference to restart August 27th, 12:55-1:00 . To dial in please call 712-432-0265– code 660081- PLEASE MUTE YOUR PHONE.
If you would like a daily text reminder please text 216-276-9212
The Air Show is Cleveland’s Labor Day weekend tradition. Three days of aerial thrills featuring the U.S. Navy Blue Angels Jet Demonstration Team, Shockwave Jet Truck and TinStyx of Dynamite’s jaw-dropping pyrotechnic aerobatics. Plus excitement on the ground with displays, kid-friendly activities, planes and more.
Please mark your calendars and remember to set your clocks early.
Beginning Thursday, August 28 the Sephardic Minyan of Cleveland will meet throughout month of Elul for early morning Selichot services.
Join us at 5:45am each weekday, and 7:00am on Sunday for a rousing and uplifting Sephardi Selichot davening, followed by Shacharit.
The minyan is hosted with the generous support of Green Road Synagogue, 2437 South Green Rd. in Beachwood
If that’s not enough, join us year-round on Friday night at the Beachwood Kollel building (2203 S. Green Road, next to the Waxman Center and just off Cedar Rd.) for Kabbalat Shabbat services.
WILLOUGHBY HILLS, Ohio — Bishop Road will remain closed Tuesday as officials continue to investigate a plane crash that killed four young men.
No significant traffic delays were reported, but Bishop Road between White Road and the Curtis Wright Parkway will remain closed throughout the day.
The Cleveland Heights Furniture Gemach is desperately seeking donations of furniture, especially beds in at least fair condition. Many new families have moved into our community this summer and stocks are very much depleted. Please contact (216) 321-9393 for more information. Tax receipt for donations is available.
Dr. Shmuel Cohen who has operated a kosher vitamin business out of his home for many years, is clearing out his entire selection and these are being sold at cost. Freeda
Maxi-Health, Nutri Supreme, Landau, and more. Come join us at his Last Chance Sale at the Appel Residence, 23112 Beachwood Blvd, Beachwood, OH Thursday 12-4 and Sunday 12-3.
We regret to inform you that Chaya Basya Rivka bas Entel Berkovich has passed away. Many thanks to our community who opened their hearts in tefillos. May her precious pure neshama be a meilitza yoshera for her family and for Klal Yisroel.
The funeral service will take place Tuesday, August 26th 3pm at Berkowitz Kumin chapel.
May the family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. Ha’Makom yenachem eschem b’soch she’ar avay’lay Tzion v’Yerushalayim
House for Sale, Beautifully upgraded 3 bdrm, 2 1/2 bath home: 14476 East Carroll Blvd, located between Rubyvale Rd and Lafayette Dr.
House for Sale, Beautifully upgraded 3 bdrm, 2 1/2 bath home: 14476 East Carroll Blvd, located between Rubyvale Rd and Lafayette Dr.
Chaya Basya Rivka bas Entel, a young girl in our community is in desperate need of rachamei shamayim.
Please help as much as you can. Therefore, everyone is asked to take a few minutes every day to say Tehillim, do Mitzvos, learn Torah, or similar in her merit. Also, the Machsom L’Fi has been continued for a 3rd week and information to sign up appears below.
(Jewish Federation of Cleveland)
Volunteers are needed for the Jewish Federation of Cleveland’s Spring Cemetery Cleanup on Sunday,
September 14 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.. at Lansing Cemetery, 3933 E. 57th Street, Cleveland. All ages are welcome to participate in this community-wide event, rain or shine.
Past Cemetery Cleanup events have attracted hundreds of people across generations and denominations. Preserving cemeteries is considered one of the most righteous acts of chesed (kindness); there is no greater mitzvah than honoring those that came before us.
* Drazin’s in Cleveland Heights – 3559 Severn Road, every Wednesday between 4:30 and 5:30pm.
* Appel’s in Beachwood – Every Wednesday 5-7 pm. Take used clothing as well or stay and help us sort for a bit!!
One paper to fill out once a month! Income guidelines below. Contact the above parties to make special arrangements for privacy.