Jewish Heritage Day Aug. 31 at Lake County Captains
(Cleveland Jewish News) – Research to make sure food situation, activities are okay with your family.
It will be a day of fun and family entertainment when the Lake County Captains host to the Dayton Dragons in the sixth annual Jewish Heritage Day on Aug. 31 at Classic Park in Eastlake.
Activities begin at 12:30 p.m., when some members of the Captains – a Class A affiliate of the Cleveland Indians – will sign autographs behind home plate. The game starts at 1:30.
It’s Time for Back to Vasikin Savings
Now you can save your sleep schedule and still get to vasikin!
This coming week, the vasikin minyan at the Alexsander Shteibel will begin at 6:20 and get you home in plenty of time to wave at the children as they board the school bus.
Elul: Still Searching
(Moshe Block)
The days Of Elul are days of intense love and closeness to HaShem. The very letters that spell the word Elul hint to this idea in the phrase, “Ani lidodi vidodi Li,” “I am to My beloved as My beloved is to Me.” This is Hashem’s expression of His endless love for Klal Yisroel, which is heightened in the month of Elul. How though do we bring about that closeness?
Detroit Community Unites to Help Flood Victims
(Rabbi Yitzchok Ehrman, Agudath Israel of Illinois)
The pictures remind one of Superstorm Sandy. On Monday, August 11 the Detroit Jewish community was hit with more than six inches of rain in a span of a few hours. The storm caused significant flooding on city roads and caused the city sewer system to back up into people’s homes. The Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods took the brunt of the sewer backup, devastating the homes of more than 200 families.
[Read more…]
Support the Nadler-Roskam Resolution Condemning Anti-Semitism
As the world continues to witness ugly incidents of verbal and physical attacks against Jews, Agudath Israel of America has been deeply engaged in encouraging, through various means, our government, and others, to strongly condemn this sharp increase in open and unabashed anti-Semitism. We have been in ongoing communication with the Obama Administration, particularly Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism, Ira Forman, and we continue to make our concerns known to our elected officials in the House and Senate.
Lone Soldier from Columbus found dead in Israel
(From a former Clevelander now in Israel: “Cpl David Gordon, z”l, the lone solider who was missing and then found dead near his army base in Israel, spent five years in Cleveland, as a child. His parents, Ruth & Dr. Jake Gordon, lived on Berkeley, from c. 1992 to c. 1997, and his older brother and sister attended the Hebrew Academy.)
The Columbus Jewish community is mourning the death of one of its Lone Soldiers.
The Israel Defense Forces is investigating the death of Cpl. David Menachem Gordon, whose body was found Aug. 19 in central Israel with gunshot wounds.
Cloud 9 Maternity Summer Clearance & 29″ Skirts Have Arrived
Teshuva Lecture – 50th Yahrtzeit of Hebert I Spero, z”l
Sunday Funday – Weekly Sunday Educational & Exciting Day
End of Summer CLEARANCE SALE at CB’s Tichel Shuk
Appeal On Behalf of Community Member
LJN Ed.: Appeal submitted from community member. LJN confirmed Rabbi Hirshfeld added the date.
Dear Friends,
A member of our community recently lost his job. He is a Telzer talmid who I know for about 40 years. He is a single parent of 3 sons. He is very “oisek b’tzarchei tzibur.” Any contribution you make is greatly appreciated.
Please make checks payable to R. Boruch Hirschfeld [memo: Attn.: Appeal]. (Ed: Checks can be mailed directly to Rabbi Boruch Hirschfeld at 3699 Shannon Rd., Cleveland Heights, OH 44118).
May Hashem bless you with all that is good and sweet.
Boruch Hirschfeld
Drucker Swimming Pool – Expanded Boys Lifeguard Hours and More
Tambourine Ma’am Doula Services
Shomre Shabbos Family Fun Day
New Akron/Canton Airport Ride Sharing
(Repost) Have you ever felt the frustration of driving out to Akron/Canton Airport, only to find your neighbor waiting for the same flight? We can change that! There is a new ride “gemach” planned for the Akron Canton Airport now in operation. Continue reading below or click the link on the main LJN web page just below the classifieds icon.
David Markovich – 5K for Transverse Myelitis
My name is David Markovich. Four months ago, the world seemed to freeze. I suddenly woke up paralyzed from the waist down. I would soon be diagnosed with Transverse Myelitis, an extremely rare neurological condition causing inflammation of the spinal cord. Today, with… God’s help, I am walking on my own two feet again, without any assistance. On October 18th, I plan to run the Baltimore 5K (as part of the Baltimore Running Festival) in honor of all of those fighting Transverse Myelitis.
Rabbi Nivin’s Life Changing Personal Development Program
Several of the ladies in our community (including Channah Appel) asked that we recommend the following program (not free, but an excellent deal right now). See for yourself at and more info follows the flier below:
ANYTIME Garage Door & Locksmith
Caregiver – Housekeeping Assistance Available
Experienced state-tested nursing assistant available to offer assistance to people who need help at home. Medical. Shopping. Cooking. Driving (my own vehicle or your’s). Many years of experience, resume, and references available. Also, I am a hard working and very detail oriented and can offer assistance with housekeeping, child care, and more. College educated and love to help people. Responsible and ready to work. Contact Agnes – 216-703-0384.
KIS – Kozuch Insurance Services
N’shei Agudas Yisroel of Cleveland Shabbos Shiur
Coming In From Baltimore For a 1 Day Sale – Mimi’s Jewelry Box
Hebrew Storytime at the Beachwood Library
Keith Winebrenner is sworn in as Beachwood’s new chief of police
For the first time in 17 years the city has sworn in a new chief of police.
Commander Keith A. Winebrenner, who had been serving as acting chief since March when former chief Mark Sechrist retired, officially took the helm of the 44-officer department at Monday’s City Council meeting. Sechrist had been with the department for 37 years.
From Suspicion to Bracha (Blessing)
Chazal (Brachos 31B) teach that if someone suspects another (choshaid b’chaveiro) and the suspicion is untrue–then he must give a bracha to that person. We learn this from the suspicion that Eli Hakohein had that Chana was drunk. Because it turned out that the suspicion was unfounded, he gave her a great blessing “V’Elokei Yisrael Yitein Es She’ailaseich–may Hashem grant your request to have a child.”
We should not, of course, suspect anyone of anything. However, if the suspicion that ‘You lost this’, ‘You spilled that’, ‘You caused this’, ‘You said that’ comes up, we should follow Chazal’s directive and give a heart filled and heartfelt bracha–and may it be fulfilled!
The Kashrus of Raisin Juice and Raisin Wine
Since parshas Re’eih contains many of the basic laws of kashrus, I bring you a related topic:
Question #1: Kosher Conundrum
“How can two kosher, pareve ingredients combine to become a product that can become non-kosher?”
Offering: Two Room Suite for Rent in University Heights
A nice 2-bedroom unit with full bath, small refrigerator, couch and more. Located in the heart of the community. All utilities included.
For details please call: 216-276-9212
End of Summer CLEARANCE SALE at CB’s Tichel Shuk
Millikin Building Sold to Mosdos Ohr Hatorah
After many years of negotiations, meetings, and the involvement of countless city officials, school board members, parents, students, and community members, we have reached this really tremendous milestone. An agreement has been signed to sell most of the Milliken property to Mosdos to create a new campus right in the middle of our great neighborhood! The details are contained in the article that appears below.