Coulby Waterpark for Girls – Monday, August 11th
Will Your Money Retire Before You Do?
Office 216-321-1422, Fax 216-321-2136,
Benny Friedman Live in Concert
There will be both Family Seating & Separate seating available.
For tickets and info visit us online or call 216 282 2267
Don’t Let Him Miss A Day!
A Summer Treat – Nshei Library Expanded Hours for July & August
The Nshei Library is adding an additional day of library time for July and August. The library, 1861 South Taylor Road, back door of the Agudah Building, will now be open on Friday afternoons from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. The library will close promptly at 3:00. We are continuing regular Sunday hours, 1:00 – 5:00. We hope you will enjoy this extra opportunity for kosher summer reading for your family.
Sweets for Any Simcha – Blum’s
Camp Fun
Kosher Food Distribution – Cleveland Heights
3559 Severn Road, every Wednesday between 4:30 and 5:30pm. No complex requirements or cumbersome paperwork – just come if you need! Look for more information later on regarding other local food distribution programs based in other neighborhoods.
Old Strollers Laying Around?
Help Wanted: Caregiver
Mika’s August Specials
Tehillim Request
Please be mispallel for BASYA RIVKA BAS ENTEL, a young girl from our community. Her condition is very serious and she is in need of Rachmei Shomayim.
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
Coulby Waterpark for Girls – Monday, August 11th
Late Shacharis in University Heights
Alecsander Shtiebel Late Shacharis 9:00 A.M. Shacharis Daily until Rosh Chodesh Elul
Cleveland Heights Swim at Cumberland Pool
Help Wanted: General Studies Teachers (Girls)
Cuyahoga County Public Library reduces borrow time to two weeks
The Cuyahoga County Public Library recently announced it will be reducing the borrow time from three weeks to two weeks, effective Sept. 2.
This decision is “due to reductions in our operating budget,” said Hallie Rich, marketing and communications director at Cuyahoga County Public Library.
Urgent Request for Tefilla
Please daven for a young girl in our community who is in great need of a refuah shelaymah – Basya Rivka bas Entel.
A+ Solutions Webinar – Ready. Set. Go! Start the New School Year Right! By Favia Becker, Psy. S, NCSP
Camp Chabad Annual Picnic and Carnival
Erev Tisha B’Av
Given that there will not be new postings on Tisha B’Av nor Erev Tisha B’av day there are a lot of postings today. Very likely, the latter postings when compiled into an email will get cut off. So if you are reading this via email, click on the LocalJewishNews banner to get taken to the web site and read from there , making sure to miss any of the cut off materials.
Chabad extends outreach from eight Northeast Ohio locations
(Cleveland Jewish News)
When Rabbi Leibel Alevsky and his wife, Devorah, were sent to Cleveland in 1972 by Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson to establish the first Chabad house in Cleveland and eastern Ohio, they could not have imagined how the movement would grow regionally under their leadership.
Today, in addition to the Waxman Chabad Center in Beachwood, there are eight Chabad branches in Northeast Ohio, all led by rabbis who the Alevskys call “official shluchim” (emissaries).
Bishul Akum Problems in the Home, part II By Rabbi Kaganoff
Last week, we began a discussion of bishul akum problems that can happen in the comfort of one’s home. We now continue our discussion…
Commuter crisis
Mrs. Goldman* is stuck in a typical commuter predicament. The traffic is not moving, and it is well past the time that she should be putting up supper. She calls the non-Jewish babysitter, Jenny, to apologize for the delay and asks her to find something in the freezer to warm and serve the kids. Jenny finds some blintzes, places them on ceramic cookware and pops them into the toaster oven. That evening, when Rabbi Goldman returns from Kollel, Mrs. Goldman tells him about her frustrating commute home. Rabbi Goldman realizes that they may now have a kashrus concern in their house.
Brachos of Cascadian Farm Cereals
We asked the OU for a listing of Brachos ofCascadianFarm cereals under their supervision and we are grateful for their reply.
“The following Cascadian Farm Cereals are Ha’odama and Borei Nefashos:Fruit & Nut Granola, Berry Cobler Granola, Cinnamon Raisin Granola, Oats & Honey Granola, Ancient Grains Granola, French Vanilla Almond Granola, Maple Brown Sugar Granola and Dark Chocolate Almond Granola.
Support Lazar Porter’s Yeshiva in Eretz Yisrael and win $50,000! Hurry, ends July 8th!
Best wishes,
P.S. My number and email address are written in the bottom left corner of the flyer above.
Yoga With Weights Evening Class – New Evening Class at Mika’s
Agudath Israel Yom Iyun – July 4th, 2014
Remembering the Lubavitcher Rebbe
(Cleveland Jewish News)(This article has a nice summary of the history of Chabad Worldwide and Cleveland. Sorry this was published after the yahrtzeit.)
Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, known as the Lubavitcher Rebbe, is widely considered the most influential rabbi in modern history.
As his 20th yahrzeit approaches, the Chabad-Lubavitch movement remains vibrant, thanks to Schneerson’s vision, said Rabbi Leibel Alevsky, Chabad regional director and executive director of Chabad of Cleveland, based in Beachwood.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes
We regret to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Susan Marshall (Yachad Simcha bas Zelda), mother of Mrs. Sarah Wolsh. Graveside service Thursday, July 3rd, 2:30pm at Ridge Road Cemetery (Chesed Shel Emes). Shiva information to follow. If you know that you can make it, please call or text 216-406-3418.
May the family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. Ha’Makom yenachem eschem b’soch she’ar avay’lay Tzion v’Yerushalayim