We are a locally operated business right here in Cleveland. Now available at Boris and Unger’s!
Cleveland Vigil for Kidnapped Israeli Teens on Monday, June 30
The Jewish Federation of Cleveland is hosting a community vigil in solidarity with Israel as they continue the search for three kidnapped teens. The vigil will be held this Monday, June 30 at 7:30 p.m. at the Mandel Jewish Community Center (Stonehill Auditorium) located at 26001 South Woodland Road in Beachwood.
On June 12, three Israeli students – Eyal Yifrach, 19; Gilad Shaar, 16; Naftali Frenkel, 16 – went missing on their way home and efforts are still underway for their safe return. Communities around the world are rallying to show support for the boys, their families, and Israel.
Cleveland Heights Swim at Cumberland Pool
Pirchei Cleveland Heights Parshas Chukas 5774
N’shei Agudas Yisroel Shabbos Shiur – Lessons for Life
Channah Appel Series on Sewing – Repair/ Sniusize Your Kid’s’ Clothing – Classes
Channah Appel and friends of Aish Cleveland will be offering a series on how to sew simply and repair-sniusize your childrens clothing.
Kehillas Beis Doniel – Rabbi Dovid Gross – Parshas Chukas: The Perfect Prayer
Camp Sunshine
Teen’s abduction hits home for Fuchs Mizrachi teacher
(Cleveland Jewish News)
Rabbi Dov Shachor, an Israeli teacher at Fuchs Mizrachi School in Beachwood, has a strong connection to one of the three Israeli teenagers who were abducted by Palestinian terrorists June 12 in the West Bank.
In a telephone interview June 16, Shachor said he was the assistant principal and teacher of Naftali Frenkel, 16, for seven years at Dvir, a school for students in grades one through eight in Nof Ayalon, a small village in central Israel.
Safety Town Programs Near You
Several local cities offer a program for preschoolers that includes traffic, bicycle, and pedestrian safety information and is available for free. Contact your local police department to find out more.
peri ELI – Sunday, June 29th Open 10 – 12 – 30% Off Select Shabbos Styles
The Uniform Exchange – Ready to Restock
YIGC Movie Night – “The Book Thief”
Torah Life May Raffle – $750 Gift Card
Mazel Tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Zev Compton the winners of Mays raffle!
Torah LIFE Kollel’s monthly raffle is now in its second year but with a new twist! Every month Torah LIFE Kollel, will be raffling off $750 in gift cards or gift certificates. For ONLY $8.33 a month, or $100 for the year, you will be entered into the next 12 monthly raffle drawings, and …
This month’s raffle will be for a $750 visa gift card!
You will have the zechus of supporting Torah.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes
We regret to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Bella Lebowicz, the wife of Mr. Michael Lebowicz. mother of Dr. Yossi Lebowicz, sister of Mrs. Pepi Simon.
The funeral will take place tomorrow, June 27th, at 9:00am at Berkowitz Kumin.
May the family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. Ha’Makom yenachem eschem b’soch she’ar avay’lay Tzion v’Yerushalayim
Review Your Brachos on Natural Phenomena
As we are now into the “Natural Events” season, we provide the following pertinent Halachos relating to the Brachos on these events–which serve to remind us that they are far from being “natural”.
The basis for the Halachos below is Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim, Chapter 227 and the Mishna Berurah there, the Sefer Shoneh Halachos and the Sefer Piskei Teshuvos on this Chapter in Shulchan Aruch. We specifically note that one should, of course, consult with his Rav for the final Halacha. We present the following for an understanding of the issues:
1. When experiencing an earthquake, one recites the brocha of “Oseh Ma’aseh Bereishis–Who makes the work of Creation”. It is also permissible to make the brocha of “Shekocho U’Gevuraso Malei Olam–His strength and His power fill the universe”. Piskei Teshuvos writes that the degree of the tremor is not necessarily relevant, as long as it is clearly felt.
Chef Dave’s Catering – Weekly Specials for Friday 6/27
KidZone for 2 & 3 Year Olds
Shannon Road Ice Cream – From Our Standard Menu to Party Packages!
Sunshine Sundays
YIGC Movie Night – “The Book Thief”
House for Sale – University Heights – 2428 Laurelhurst Road – (Photo Gallery)
For Sale by Owner. 2428 Laurelhurst Road. Vinyl clad colonial in the heart of the Frum community. 5 bedrooms, 2.5 baths. For appointments to view, please call 216-469-9079 or 216-381-3179 – please leave a voice mail.
Hardwood floors throughout.
Library – Den – Finished Playroom.
Large Patio for Sukkah.
Master bedroom 13′ x 18′- newly designed closet
(Photo Gallery Below)
Constructive Solutions – Building Blocks Therapy
Cleveland Heights Swim at Cumberland Pool
Former Maccabi Tel Aviv coach Blatt to lead Cavs
(Cleveland Jewish News)
Former Maccabi Tel Aviv coach David Blatt has been hired as the next head coach of the Cleveland Cavaliers, according to David Pick, senior correspondent at Eurobasket.com and ONE.co.il, who tweeted that Blatt confirmed the deal.
Blatt will become the team’s 20th head coach – and the first coach to make a direct transition from coaching in Europe to being an NBA head coach.
To View the Abducted Boys As Our Own Sons
(Hakhel) As the days pass by with hundreds of terrorists arrested–but with no apparent clue of the whereabouts of the bachurim, despite thousands upon thousands of the most highly trained soldiers being involved in the search, we all once again realize and internalize the absolute truth that “Ahl Mi Lanu Lehishaein Ahl Avinu Shebashomayim” (Sotah 49A)–we have no one to look to except to our Father in Heaven.” Thankfully, Hashem is not simply our King, our Creator, our Life-Giver–but He is also Avinu–our Father in Heaven–as the Pasuk explicitly teaches: “Banim Atem Lashem Elokeichem”–we are Hashem’s children, and He treats us as such.
One of the most well-known ma’asim involving HaRav Chaim Shmuelevitz, Z’tl, was when the Mirrer Yeshiva was about to recite Tehillim for the Jews kidnapped in Entebbe. Before the Yeshiva began, HaRav Shmuelevitz urged everyone gathered to view the hostages as his own close family members–and to recite Tehillim with this view.
Tehillim for Erev Rosh Chodesh Tammuz and Chizuk Teleconference
THURSDAY, JUNE 26TH–FOR WOMEN AND GIRLS! Tehillim for Erev Rosh Chodesh Tammuz and Chizuk over the Phone., followed by Divrei Chizuk by Rabbi Yisroel Teichman, Rav of ZichronYitzchok in Monsey, New York. Time: 1:00PM (NY time). Call-in number: 212-990-8000 Access code: 6060 # (pound). The following Perakim, will be recited: #20, 46, 83, 121, 130, 142 and 100.
Yom Kippur Katan at Torah LIFE Kollel, Thursday 6:30pm.
ANYTIME Garage Door & Locksmith
Recommended Books from the Aaron Garber Library
Recommended books that can be borrowed from the Aaron Garber Library, 26500 Shaker Boulevard
Summer Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 9-1
Phone 216-212-4116
Ilka Gordon, On Site Director
Novels for summer reading:
3rd Yahrtzeit of Moreinu Harav Chaim Stein, z”l